> Did global warming cause Godzilla?

Did global warming cause Godzilla?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Didnt they predict it would make animals bigger or shrink last year?

Shoot my sound card isn't working so I can't watch the video but I noticed that AGW apparently also caused the latest reincarnation of Noah. Kimmel is doing a good job of continuing Leno's comical mocking of what passes as knowledge among some of the masses that just don't have a priority in learning just about anything.

Actually, the MUTOs are really Greens, as they immediately attack a nuclear power plant.

The main character believes Nature will heal itself, and that it is foolish to think that Man can harm the environment drastically. The true danger from the film comes from people who try to fix the world rather than letting Nature take care of itself, in this case Godzilla is a product of Nature that will take out the MUTOs.

I think it's difficult because Godzilla is a big animal.

No radioactive chemicals did

Jimmy Kimmel sent his “Lie Witness News” crew out on the street to ask people if it was insensitive of Hollywood to profit from a dramatization of the “real” Godzilla attack on Tokyo back in the 1950s. He also asked a genius from the warmunist camp if global warming caused Godzilla. Watch him at about the 2:25 mark:


Global warming causes everything:
