> Is the IPCC quitely backpeddling it's projections?

Is the IPCC quitely backpeddling it's projections?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes they are quietly backpedaling. They have to be quiet because they won't call out the alarmists who hype things, like saying Children won't know what snow is. Now skeptics can just point people to IPCC reports when they are told that their houses will be underwater and droughts will increase. Actually the IPCC is predicting a lower level of warming. What are you talking about?

Combine that with the pointlessness of policies to stop global warming, and if paid attention to the 'industry' would have to shut down. "Well according to climate models, your policy would lower temperatures by .01 C."

Projections/predictions are not written in stone, instead, they are based on the knowledge at hand. All this BS from WUWT doesn't change the fact that the planet is still warming. How much and when remain to be seen

Any beneficial effects from AGW will be short lived, not long lasting, in fact beneficial for some will be detrimental for others

Smarten up http://climate.nasa.gov/effects/

If it comes from Anthony Watts, it is wrong. Always. There is no reason to even read it. This is a guy who was fired as a weather-man in a small town, then fired by his neighbors from his school board -- becdause he was always wrong.

Stupid people read WUWT, there is no exception.

The IPCC has been doing that for decades.

I also note how ironic it is for AGW cultists to refer anyone to the 'source' (IPCC report) but emphatically ignore that their latest source admitted there has been no global warming for the past 17 years. AGW Cultists continue to beat the "10 of the last 15 years has been the hottest on record" drums but won't acknowledge why that is possible given the global mean temp has been flat for 17 years if it has been so hot.

We all know who the true climate deniers are. It's not the skeptics.

They are retreating faster than the French Army. Only the Generals are saying, "Hold your places men, Forward Advance!"

Lol.. soon the IPCC will be predicting even less warming than most "Deniers". What the hell are the alarmists going to do then?

"See, we told you deniers the world wasn't going warm up as much you predic... oh hell, not even I could fall for that one. Fine you win. It wasn't as bad as we said it was going to be."

that maybe the "Lord's" take. You claim to read many sources, yet most of your links are WUWT. That does not sound very convincing.

EDIT: Link- one analysis of the WUWT claims.

I suggest going to the source.


Try using a site not famous for it's lies


Hmm now it looks like global warming is much more likely to be within the beneficial range, rather than catastrophic.