> Importances of preserving earth resources?

Importances of preserving earth resources?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It is important to preserve the earth resources because we require them in our daily life. And without earth resources life would be difficult

preserving the earth resources is not only important for our future needs but also it is important for the earth's future, if the earth lost its all natural elements, then it will harm the earth too. and may be that will impact the life cycles in the earth. so we have to preserve all the earth resources.

Hello Indra,

Many of the Earth’s resources exist in limited quantities, and whilst natural processes can often replace them, there is an imbalance in that we’re using them faster than nature is replacing them.

There is also the problem of a rapidly growing population and in many cases this has seen demand outstrip supply. About 2.3 billion people now live in areas where they do not have access to sufficient land, food or water to meet their basic needs. This number is rising all the time as more and more people share dwindling resources. With the global population expected to peak at about 12.1 billion by the end of the century, then we’re not far from the point where half of the global population could find they don’t have access to sufficient quantities of the most basic commodities.

In the developed world we don’t face quite the same problem. When we run out of land for agricultural purposes we simply buy or lease land in other countries and use that as well – something that many of the multinational food giants have already done. Whilst this approach ensures we have adequate food supplies it puts even more pressure on those living in areas where land is taken from them.

Perhaps the most talk about natural resources are the fossil fuels – gas, coal and oil. We’re using these about a million times faster than nature can produce them. Once they’re gone, that’s it.

The problem we have is that the entire way of life in all developed nations is built around fossil fuels. Take them away and we have no transport, no electricity, hardly any food, no water on tap, no light and heating, no communications etc – effectively we go back to the Dark Ages.

These commodities are running out and we’re doing almost nothing to preserve those resources or to prepare for the day when they’re no more. It’s not going to happen for decades but it’s going to take decades to prepare for when the time comes.

Some resources can be replenished without too much problem and overfishing is one such example. Globally fish stocks are diminishing, in some places they’re down to just 5% of their normal levels. Replenishing fish-stocks isn’t difficult and only takes a few years, we simply need to stop eating threatened species and start eating the abundant ones instead. It’s not difficult, it doesn’t cost anything but we’re not doing it.

Many minerals are being rapidly depleted, particularly the metals. Resources of tin, lead, aluminium, iron, bronze, gold, copper etc are diminishing. If we don’t recycle these things once we’re done with them then they’ll come a time when there’s none left.

In many parts of the world this is already the case. Centuries of lead, tin and copper mining have used up all the known reserves and some countries which used to produce substantial amounts of these commodities are now entirely reliant upon imports.

The industries at greatest risk for depletion of metal resources are the technological ones – computers, communications, medical equipment etc. These devices use rare-earth metals but supplies are dwindling.

In many cases we don’t actually need to use the resources that we do, there are viable alternatives.

For example, we can significantly reduce the amount of fossil fuels that are used for power generation (by far the largest consumer) and instead generate electricity from nuclear, hydro, solar, wind etc. This will ensure that resources last a lot longer and can be used where there aren’t viable alternatives – aircraft for example.

Similarly we can recycle where possible. Some materials such as aluminium can be recycled over and over again, not only is this much cheaper (no mining costs, no processing of raw materials etc) but it massively reduces the amount of energy needed and almost eliminates the vast amount of toxic wastes that are created by processing the raw materials.

save 4 future

for the future generation to continue their living

to stop the extinct of animals and the human being in future

Our Earth Goddess Gaia, in her infinite wisdom has preserved her resources for us to use now.

The Earth continues to expand!

If God didn't intend us to be vegetarian, why did he make animals of meat?