> What are some good things about fossil fuels?

What are some good things about fossil fuels?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

I'll start: They don't kill birds.


It is plentiful. (In the 1800s the earth was so loaded that it was expelling petroleum to the earth's surface.)

It is efficient. (A tank of gasoline will get you farther than a tank of alcohol, for example.)

It saved the whales as being the provider of light and lubrication.

It is a better lubricant than other forms of lubricants.

You don't have to kill anything to get it.

It saved a lot of forests from being cut down for heat.

It makes our roads longer lasting and more efficient.

It is the basis for many polymers used in very practical materials.

It provides jobs and increases the economy. (Just look at North Dakota's economy.)

It provides power to the greenies so they can B***H about how bad fossil fuels are. (Maybe that is bad. Yah, scratch that.)

It makes worthless people rich. (Would Al Gore be a billionaire without fossil fuels?)

It is technically one single item that has improved man's standard of living.

The main advantage is that these fuels can be distributed and stored reasonably conveniently in their original form and burned when and where required. They also have more advanced production, distribution and utilisation technologies than newer energy sources. Utilisation in situ, eg for heating homes, avoids the energy losses involved in electrical power transmission.

Electrical power stations using fossil fuels have an advantage over solar and wind power stations that they can output power continuously, maybe with somewhat variable output to meet seasonal changes in demand. They can generate high temperatures in a way which is arguably less hazardous than nuclear energy. Whether the waste products of fossil fuels are more or less harmful than those of nuclear is debated.

The one thing that is good about fossil fuels is that it helped start the industrial revolution in great Britain,therefore it changed everything you know about technology .

They allow us to have a civilization, before coal oil and gas, we had to rely on horse drawn vehicles, sailing ships, whale oil for lighting, wood for heating and cooking, slavery for agriculture.

Now we have cell phones, TV, PCs, AC, refrigerators, worldwide communications, any kind of fruit, veg, food you like no matter the season, modern medicine, and so on and so on, none of this would have been possible without fossil fuels.

They allow us to recycle dinosaurs. Many alternatives involve depriving the ecosystem of a natural element.

Blocking sunlight, reducing the wind, etc.

The very few pluses of fossil fuels compared to otger energies are:

Its cheap.

And has a high energy yield when used.

The CO2 released from them was already in the atmosphere, so technically they don't ADD anything to the atmosphere,,,, just get the levels back to those around millions of years ago.

Engines etc. have been designed and perfected for them, and so we can use them quite efficiently now.

We can crack the long hydrocarbon chains down into more useful Alkanes and alkenes--the alkanes are for fuel while the alkenes are for medicine/pharmaceuticals/plastics/polyme... etc.

They produce CO2 when they are burned.

CO2 is an essential nutrient gas and, I'm finally going to admit, does NOT cause global warming.

35 years of intense research has concluded that there is no positive correlation between CO2 and warming temperatures.

"I'll start: They don't kill birds" Yet another falsehood


I'll start: They don't kill birds.
