> California is raising gas taxes to help win the war on global warming. Is this a good idea?

California is raising gas taxes to help win the war on global warming. Is this a good idea?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It'll be a good way to continue driving the middle class out of the state. It's not a matter of how much people are willing to pay but rather how many simply won't be able to pay. There is a limit to a person's liquid assets and the vast majority of Californians don't have the option of public transportation.

Raising taxes will do nothing other than to drive even more businesses and other taxpayers out of the State.

That may actually be California's goal, since the State's resources cannot support its current population.

You have asked the same question several times already. Isn't that enough BAs for the anti-science posters?

You do realize that you've asked this before. Repeating yourself will not make your beliefs come true.

Yes. No. $1000 a year or more, much more if needed.

I guess it is. At least, in a way, there is a way to lessen (if possible, stop) those companies who majorly produce gases.

Will raising taxes on so-called "global warming" help reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide? Did California raise taxes enough? How much more would you pay in taxes to help save the planet?