> Why might natural selection provide insufficient opportunities for some species to adapt?

Why might natural selection provide insufficient opportunities for some species to adapt?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
In the face of accelerated climate change, why might natural selection provide insufficient opportunities for some plants and animals to adapt?

What makes you think it isn't happening? Alarmist are just brain dead idiots.

Gringo post a temperature chart, linlyons tries to explain mobility in a childish example, C just makes a general statement, but like the other alarmist doesn't address anything. Marquise Phil gives a good example of the alarmist believe system. Highlighted by non-verification and rhetoric.

At best it would be regional selection...not global congruency. All species without a large gene pool gravitate to the source of origin. #1 biological law as expressed by Darwin's theory of dominance.

That is a lie kano There has been no pause in global warming You really should research before making a statement like that. The question was "in the face of ACCELERATED climate change" You should work on your reading and comprehension

Some species will adapt and some plants and wildlife will not

Kano, below is your 'no rise in temperatures for 17yrs'. Even the deniers' beloved UAH temperature data clearly shows warming.

Not only do you deny the obvious, you are endlessly repeating denier myths without bothering to check whether they are (still) valid. The same can be said about your 'expertise' on species' ability to adapt to accelerated warming.

fast reproducing species, eg insects and annuals, have a much better chance than, for example, redwoods.

the main reason is it's happening about 10,000 times faster than evolution.

There is no accelerated climate change, no rise in temperatures for 17yrs, and 0.8C rise over the last 150yrs, I cant see any species not being able to handle that.

In the face of accelerated climate change, why might natural selection provide insufficient opportunities for some plants and animals to adapt?