> Should governments pay TRILLIONS of dollars each year to the oil industry whose product is wrecking the global climate f

Should governments pay TRILLIONS of dollars each year to the oil industry whose product is wrecking the global climate f

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Why all these dirtbag environMENTALISTS always forget to mention that Oil is natural product, same as wind or sun? Or do you think evil Oil corporate people sitting in the middle of the earth and making Oil out of nothing? Correct question is: Should government subsidize trillions on natural energy (like wind of sun)? If answer is yes, then same goes to the Oil... =D

The obvious answer is no, and that still wont stop the government now will it. There are some certain individuals who are working towards better energy production methods. But those methods are far more expensive up-front than the high polluting systems used today so people will probably stick with oil till it is way too late

Nope. And, of course, they're not. They are giving fossil fuel industry millions of dollars in tax rebates.

Governments shouldn't pay anything to the fossil fuel industry.

In fact, governments should tax the energy industry to pay for the damage that they're doing.

They give some tax rebates, for small companies to get started, but in the end they reap huge enormous amounts in taxes.

Hey you don't have to buy their products, if you don't like it cut off your electricity, don't buy gasoline, have your gas disconnected, walk or bicycle everywhere, cook and heat your home with firewood, the choice is yours.

Their product is natural
