> Why didn't global warming happen?

Why didn't global warming happen?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I need this for a paper that was handed out in class and I can't find the answer

It was a lie made up by the Left for means of getting money and power

Is your head up your ****? It has and is occurring

Did you read your assignment correctly? I find it hard to believe that your teacher would expect you to hand anything in that is not true. Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


Scientists study the problem and it is mostly biased scientists who have propagated the claim of human-induced climate change. Margaret Thatcher started the biased organization known as the IP CC in 1988 when she wanted Nuclear Power to be the United Kingdom's main source of power. She wanted energy security and didn't want to deal with the Oil Cartels of the Middle East or the Coal Miner's Union of the UK. The IP CC is a political organization and always has been. Thatcher was paying money to scientists to "prove" humans were causing Global Warming so she could have her Nuclear Power and no other reason.

When you understand the history of where Global Warming came from, then you will know that it is politically motivated and not a scientific question.

The fact is that human emitted greenhouse gases only have a less than 1% forcing of the climate to change at any one time. When you look back in climate history, you will find that our current weather is not much different than what it was before the increased use of fossil fuels. From 1905 to 1940 the global temperature rose by 0.45 C when fossil fuel use was still relatively low. From 1940 to 1975 fossil fuel emissions tripled and global temperatures decreased by 0.1 C. The 70s created a Global Cooling scare because of fossil fuel emissions.

It's all politically motivated propaganda for Governmental and Monetary Elites. When you also understand the difference between "Monetary Elites" (banks and Governmental control) and "republican rich" (people who provide goods and services through a free market society), then you may change your mind on how our political system works. Many of the news media outlets are controlled by debt to banks and therefore are controlled by the monetary elites. Monetary Elites are strong-arming the news media to promote this propaganda.

If you would research the history of our climate, you will find that not much has changed about our climate. http://www.breadandbutterscience.com/Wea... Bread and Butter science shows clearly that our climate has not changed much. Climate extremes will continue to happen even with our less than 1% forcing of the climate. A Government education will not reveal much of this to you.

Oh, my. Is Anthony Watts your teacher?

The reason that you cannot find answers as to why global warming did not happen is because global warming IS happening. Should your teacher insist otherwise then I strongly suggest that your teacher should once again become a student and to take a few science courses this time. .... Amazing! With your teacher it must seem as though the blind are trying to lead those that wish to open their eyes!

It IS happening. Everywhere in the world each summer is getting warmer and warmer and each winter lasts shorter and is less cold

You're going to have a tough time answering the question because global warming did happen and is still happening. The video in the article below shows that with the natural contributions to the Earth's temperature removed, the Earth has been warming at a rate of 0.15°C per decade at the 99.5% confidence level.

It's hard to imagine why you would be asked to answer such a question, unless your teacher's name is de Freitas.

I'm not sure if global warming is a lie or not but it sure as hell is not halley's comet that you can see it clearly in the sky once in a blue moon. Its a gradual process like evolution or soil formation. Thus your future generations may be the one to suffer the effect of "global warming/ice age" etc. Am sure you must be experiencing changes in the environment around you such as higher temperatures than what your region is known for, drying up of lakes, more cases of asthma and so on. All these are the effects of what we are doing to the environment and mother nature strikes back. You are well aware of hurricane Katrina , hurricane sandy and the like... these are all outcomes of us messing with mother nature. So many gases and chemicals are being pumped into the environment every minute that its a miracle we are still alive. Anyway its unclear if we are to expect an IceAge or global warming leading to the end of the world. But we sure as hell know that by doing our bit to protect the environment we can save ourselves. Prevention is better than cure.

I need this for a paper that was handed out in class and I can't find the answer