> Global warming and melting poles.What is your opinion?

Global warming and melting poles.What is your opinion?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
How can scientists be the CAUSE of GW How ridiculous that is

Humans are definitely responsible And, wyt do you think the ozone layer effects GW You are seriously confused

Jim z...Wrong...Antarctica is losing ice volume yearly Although the eastern ice sheet has done a lot of increasing, the western portion is losing volume to melt due to warming oceans. This is land ice which is infinitely thicker than the ice extent. Do a little research

The existence of "enhanced global warming" is sceptical!

Enhanced global warming is global warming the human population causes and whether is exists isn't sure.

We must as a species put our foot down however, our actions damage ecology and we must aim to stop releasing pollutants, toxins and heavy metals into the environment because they have lasting damage on ecology.

But with global warming it is unclear if it is all our fault, the temps are up by 0.01 degrees Celsius, which is quite a bit. It isn't the first time this has happened and won't be the last. Even in the days before man the world was much hotter and has been much colder, just a few hundred years ago the planet went through a "Little Ice Age" but that wasn't pinned on us!

Don't be too ready to accept the blame for GW but do be ready to stand for change to save the environment!

"Do you think humans/scientists are the cause?"

Yes humans are the cause.

"Like ice-breakers, doesn,t broken ice melt faster than solid?"

Ice that is melted lowers saline levels, and then it is much easier to re-freeze, since it does not have to push salt out of the ice matrix.

"and putting rockets into space, does,nt that deplete the ozone


Yes, but much less than the tens of thousands of aircraft overflights, and air battles that must ensue, would have caused.

"Seems like a catch 22 to me, what do you think?"

To do nothing, requires we let the "four horsemen of the apocalypse" reduce world populations to less than 1 billion humans worldwide. Makes a lot more sense to do this ourselves...

Do you suggest that there should be no further evidence gathering?

The scientist doing the research in all of the different parts of the world would equate to less than a pin ***** on a full grown Blue Whale. ... Do you have any sense of scale?

You are correct that broken ice melts faster than the unbroken ice because of the exposed surface areas. However, nearly all of the ice being broken by man in the Arctic Ocean is due to commercial and military interests and very little is due to scientist that are researching the area. One of the goals of a scientist is to leave the area as undisturbed as possible. The same cannot be said for the commercial interests there.

When you speak of rockets being sent into orbit, how many of these are for scientific studies as opposed to the ones that sent up there for commercial or military interests?

Good grief! "pin *****" was censored? What knowledge base are Yahoo's censors working with?!?

There is no doubt that human activity is responsible for Global warming, the question is to what extent. Some say we are the most important cause, given all the deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, etc. broken ice melts faster (assuming that we are talking about the chunks of ice that break away from the polar ice caps) because it drifts into warmer waters. The Ozone layer is not depleted by putting rockets into space. its main enemy are CFC, Chloro-Flouro-carbons. these compounds severely affect Ozone molecules and are mainly released by air conditioners and refrigerators.

I think humanity is digging its own grave. Rising sea levels will be the long term problem. The more pressing issue is the storms and extreme weather events that are bound to become more frequent and dangerous. Eg the blizzards in the US and Canada and the flooding in Britain.

The poles, or at least the ice sheet, melts regardless of manmade global warming. I think they're melting faster because of global warming but there will be a cold period that'll reverse it. I don't think there's evidence to suggest rockets deplete ozone.

My Triple Output implemented by another country turned off Global Warming, confirmed by our Satelite repors 11/28/2012. Mike

We need to stop it not reduce it. I think that efforts to lower CO2 emissions are pointless and impractical. If you want to stop global warming you cant do it by lowering emissions that we create when we burn fossil fuels.What Id say is don't worry. The government only care about money. Necessity is the mother of Discovery. When the oil runs out in a couple of decades- all governments will be forced to make renewable energy priority and that is when global warming should stop. The ice will melt and either way and as long as governments dont NEED to stop it they wont try. When they will something will happen. Its wrong but its the way the world works- around money. Rockets wont effect the ozone i dont believe a conspiracy there


Do you think humans/scientists are the cause? Like ice-breakers, doesn,t broken ice melt faster than solid? and putting rockets into space, does,nt that deplete the ozone layer. Seems like a catch 22 to me, what do you think?

For sure it isn't poles. The most you could argue is "pole". Antarctica isn't melting so that in itself is a good reason to question "globull" warming. Rockets don't appreciably deplete the ozone IMO. The most they could argue is that some of our chemical pollutants might deplete the ozone.

Human caused ozone depletion is largely a myth IMO just like AGW. They use the fact that CFC's catalyze the breakdown ozone to O2 and then exaggerate how much our CFCs have actually played a role or at least they greatly exaggerate their knowledge. They pretend they are riding to the rescue on their white horses. In fact they are more like robbers riding on their horses to steal us blind.

Ice always melts . And its not a problem

Cars are the cause they need to be phased out through high taxes and fees to drive we need that money toward walkable communities and strong mass transit