> Is it a real Climate Change?

Is it a real Climate Change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
In the 1960's there was evidence of a cooling trend though at the time it wasn't established science. Data collected during the 1958 International Geophysical Year identified several trend lines that later became the well known 'cooling Earth' article that deniers still refer to. At the same time data showed an upward trend line in CO2 accumulation and its definition as a 'greenhouse' gas'. Further investigation showed that almost all of this gas was the result of burning fossil fuels. In the end the equation proved that the accumulated greenhouse gases trumped the various 'cooling' mechanisms. Other data confirmed the effects of the slight atmospheric increase in the heat index caused by excess heat retention.

Nuclear submarines surfacing through the artic ice noted a gradual thinning of the ice pack...a thinning that has increased significantly since the 1950's era nuclear subs. The gradual rise in ocean temperatures in the near artic areas appears to be the culprit. Atmospheric heat has warmed seawater and melted ice.....that's why the atmosphere itself hasn't risen more than a degree or less....heat has been transferred from the warmer air to the cooler water and ice.

Conclusion: At this point there isn't enough data to determine what areas of the Earth will see major changes in climate, or how soon. However the science and physics agree that even a rise as little as 2 or three degrees will change certain areas significantly. Should for instance the American mid west become dryer a vast amount of land will become unsuitable for corn, wheat and soy production. A change in the Indian monsoon situation will alter the agriculture of India...already stressed by far too many people. We're currently at close to 400ppm of CO2, up from 264ppm in 1830 and rising at the rate of 15ppm per decade. Change will happen evermore rapidly as we get closer to 450ppm. Where and to what degree...that's an open question.

Climate researches have been wrong about every prediction, their 'science' is a disgrace.

Climate scientists get paid big money to keep the climate scare going. The day that the entire man-made Global Warming scare is exposed as a total scam is the day the 'climate scientists' stop getting paid. It's been going on now for more than 30 years, with one dire prediction after another, that have all been wrong.

The Earth isn't even warming anymore and may be cooling. The small amount of warming that happened was insignificant and the Billions poured into it was all wasted because of the hype and propaganda spewed by alarmists climate scientists. They are filling their wallets and there is no man-made Global Warming.

See what the uncorrupted climate scientists have to say about it below:

The Great Global Warming Swindle

I'm not high enough up to rate answers yet so have to go this way..thumbs up to Noah, loss of arctic ice is the thing to be keeping an eye on, most long range weather forecasts also feature info on the effects of this.

Here is one


It mentions the sub-Saharan Africa, the Nile river valley basin, and brings up water supply and flooding.

No it is all a big scam to justify the carbon tax

Notice how it was called global warming but then the temperature started to get colder and they decided to call it climate change.

We are still putting more carbon in the atmosphere and it is getting colder.....

Many researchers say that the hot and dusty climate in the Saharan and some middle eastern countries is going to be replaced by cold weather, rivers and green lands, and I here I refer to the floods that occurred earlier this month in many Saharan areas. Is there any proof or similar studies on this topic?