> I'm doing a project on melting sea ice and I need to know some things we do cause global warming(daily) and how it e

I'm doing a project on melting sea ice and I need to know some things we do cause global warming(daily) and how it e

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well, first, we use cars daily, which emit deadly gasses that trap heat in the atmosphere. I've heard that somewhere over the arctic circle, there is a pocket open in the atmosphere, that doesn't have any greenhouse gasses present, but that pocket is slowly but surely closing because of us. And the snow and tundra in the northern arctic is melting and causing a loss of habitat for native species like polar bears and such. And its devastating those animals. The global average temperature has increased by a slight amount over the years due to our carless actions. If only we could reduce thermal pollution, and other types of pollution. Thermal pollution, in association with Nuclear energy, is bad, because it contributes to the warming of our earth. We should try to cut back on our nuclear reliances.

It should be a short project then because there is no melting sea ice outside of the normal amounts at the normal times of the year when that occurs and if you think a bit of recycling can affect the planet's poles then that's just plain nuts.

This is a hard question as the corporate own 90% of the media and are posting fake science articles on the environment. As far as I know, human can cause global warming by many forms of pollution, destroying any plants which recycles nutrients, and destroying wetland and rainforest ecosystems.

Well what can you do daily, me I do not believe in global warming, however I take measures on not wasting energy, I switch off all lights and appliances when not needed, I try not to waste water, and walk or use my bicycle whenever possible, it makes sense whether you believe in global warming or not.

We have built our society and economy on burning fossil fuels which in turn effect the balance of greenhouse gases, like CO2, in the atmosphere. This is changing the stability and predictability of the climate.

So anything you can do to reduce or illuminate the use of fossil fuels is a step in the right direction.

We use energy sources which add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. There are alternatives that don't add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, such as solar, hydro and nuclear power.

And, how does carbon dioxide cause global warming.?



Colin Bolz

Waste heat, from nuclear power or from any source does not make a significant contribution to global warming.

"In 2008, total worldwide energy consumption was 474 exajoules."


Earth receives 381 quadrillion watts of power from the Sun, or 500,000 exajoules from the Sun in a year.

Beware the lies of political minded science deniers and look into objective scientists

here's a start
