> How difficult is it to understand the difference between climate and weather, without using trickery or vaporizing quest

How difficult is it to understand the difference between climate and weather, without using trickery or vaporizing quest

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Good luck. Not sure I'd bet a lot on this question being around tonight.

I see you've hidden your Q+As, with complete justification.

I did send an email to the y/a folks, but I've done that before and generally get ignored.

Again, sure wish I could send you an email.

The weather conditions/types/examples don't change individually.

The frequency, and severity changes.

I'm pretty disappointed with OM. My recollection is that, at one time, he was more reasonable.

To be honest, many of the distinctions between weather and climate are artificial. What matters is whether you draw a scientific conclusion that is valid or not. Using current weather to make an argument about whether or not AGW is valid is almost always indefensible. When you start doing that, you'd better have some decent statistics behind it or a very clever physical argument.

ell let's see 1+1=2, weather is one thing, climate is another

When weather adjust to something different over a period of years, that may be climate change

simple as sh*t

Perhaps if you explained the difference, it might help. Please, tell us the difference. Share with all of us your obvious superior knowledge and intelligence.
