> What are they doing about climate change and global warming?

What are they doing about climate change and global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
THEY are taking our money and getting rich. Al Gore is now a billionaire.

THEY are taking away our liberties every day. You can't even build a pool in your back yard without an environmental impact study by the EPA. Just look at the light bulb. The Government decides which one you'll buy.

They are trying to impose tyranny all over the world.

Quote from the UN's Own "Agenda 21": "Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level."

Only, whatever THEY do they will not affect the Earth's temperature or environment. THEY are powerless in that respect.

Climate change is such a touchy subject, but I think it's pretty hard to say that humans in no way are affecting our climate. So I presume all of the CO2 that comes from various large oil producers and various other dirty industries isn't adding anything. They are unfortunately not doing as much as they should. EPA is doing as much as it can with budget cuts and political involvement. There are various committees on climate change that are coming up with innovative ways to combat the issue, but ultimately the major issue comes down to consumption. We are a society focused on consuming, and while we change the very composition of materials on earth for our own needs we start changing the nature around us. I just hope that people will stop being so resistant to new policies aimed at reducing climate change and environmental issues.

We are spending hundreds of billions of dollars needlessly, that's what.

There is no man-made Climate Change or Global Warming or whatever they are calling it this week.

The slight warming was due to increased solar activity not CO2. And the rise in CO2 was the RESULT of the warming --- not the cause. http://lasp.colorado.edu/lisird/tsi/hist...

Man-made Global Warming is a scam to raise your taxes, take your property and to control your life.


Sadly, not as much as they probably should be.

I think the US recently passed laws requiring an increase in average fuel efficiency for passenger cars.

A lot of people are working on a variety of non-fossil fuel sources, including algae biofuels, small nuclear reactors, and biofuels from agricultural waste.

A lot more people are buying electric vehicles, or at least high-efficiency hybrids.

Scientists are always working on refining our understanding of climate and related issues.

And probably other things I'm not thinking of at the moment.

In my opinion the just enacted protocols seeking a raise through everyday gasoline or diesel functionality for the purpose of passenger new or used cars.

There are many work concerning many non-fossil gasoline or diesel companies, among them algae biofuels, smallish nuclear reactors, not to mention biofuels because of farming misuse.

Way more people investing in electricity motors, and / or around high-efficiency hybrids.

Analysts are actually consistently creating refining a lot of our expertise in weather factors not to mention pertaining factors.

Not to mention quite possibly stuff So i am in no way contemplating about at present.

Nothing as CC is a natural occurrence. If you are really concerned about the Environment then do not litter and refrain from burning.

it depends on which 'they' you mean

Conservative media is now just making things up about climate scientists- http://www.salon.com/2014/08/06/conserva...

then there's real scientists who are trying to make people aware...

I find it funny how denialists claim that AGW is a government conspiracy, while most governments are doing nothing about it.

they are doing nothing only burning the non renewable energy and maintaining economic status of country.

"They"??? If you mean scientists and politicians.....etc., nothing really other than wasting $$Billions of Taxpayer's money on grants and subsidies for bogus "studies" and failed 'Green' industries like Solyndra.
