> Is man-made global warming a hoax?

Is man-made global warming a hoax?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
and where did you get your degree in Climate Science?

We have overwhelming scientific evidence that man-made global warming is real.


The scientific consensus on this is around 97%, thatmost of the recent warming is man-made.


Which is why science academies and groups of scientists from all round the world say that it's real and a problem.


I'm convinced by the evidence. My research uses satellite data to test how strong global warming will be. I have a degree in physics and a PhD in climate science from UK universities.

The only hoax involved is the claim made by some climate change deniers that they have I.Q's over 80.

I realize that fully one half of the population is below average in intelligence. I do not understand why people in that 50% can't just keep their mouths shut to save themselves embarrassment.

Global warming is false. The earth goes through patterns of climate change. Has anyone collected data on climate for the past million years, if not then, no need to argue about it.

Absolutely not. Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2013 and 2012.


No, you have to have conspiracy delusions to think it's a hoax (or not know the meaning of hoax). And I got my climate science Ph.D. at the University of California.

No, but the Denier Movement is a propaganda machine of lies and misinformation. They did a similar thing with lead in gasoline. Only a conspiracy freak thinks the majority of the scientific community is lying. That kind of thing has never happened in Science. It only 'does' thru the eyes of religious fundamentalists and conspiracy freaks. They same type of people who think man never went to the moon.

you don't have to be a scientist to understand science. To suggest you do means you don't understand science yourself.


I don't have one. Do you?


"The finding that the climate has warmed in recent decades and that human activities are already contributing adversely to global climate change has been endorsed by every national science academy that has issued a statement on climate change, including the science academies of ALL OF THE MAJOR INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES."


"With the release of the revised statement by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists in 2007, no remaining scientific body of national or international standing is known to reject the basic findings of human influence on recent climate change."


SO, virtually all of the scientists, from countries around the entire world, think that global warming is a problem.

Sooooo, from the tone of your question, it seems that you disagree.

Where did you get your degree?

And how did you get smarter than all of the honest science folks?

Not so much a hoax as a wrong model of how the earth's climates operate.

Basically, the model assumes that the amount of carbon dioxide output by man is going up exponentially, and that this translates to an exponential increase globally. You can "prove" it by magnifying the graph of the amount of carbon dioxide in some city atmospheres. So, a change from something like 0.03% to 0.031% looks like a huge difference in the make-up of the atmosphere. But, the global difference is actually something like going from 0.03% to 0.030000001%

(note: the stats here are slightly bogus, for illustrative purposes. However, the pseudo-logic of the Al Gores and other proponents of man-made global warming makes exactly that kind of assumption, without looking at all the various ways carbon dioxide gets into the atmosphere -- mankind's contribution is minor compared to some of the stuff surfacing north of Siberia.)

Oh, and my tertiary education was in Maths -- particularly in evaluating models and looking at the proof of their applicability. Climate science is just one area that the model evaluation applies.

Huge Hoax. As big a the JFK coverup.

Global warming is real enough.............but the reasons it's warming, are debateable.

Vast swaths of Greenland are melting, and uncovering bits of shoreline, that have not been without ice in living memory.

They recently discovered new *Islands*......once connected to the mainland by sheets of ice........but once the ice all melted.............discovered that they were in fact, seperate islands.

That's how much ice has melted.

People are now farming land, that was once artic wasteland.

You can't ignore that.

and where did you get your degree in Climate Science?

the earth has been coming out of and ice age for thousands of years the ocean and land causes more global warming than humans ever could in trillions of years

if fake: a lot of big companies are paying more taxes

if true: more tsunamies and floods are happening then ever before and in some countries there no such thing as four seasons

so its either a good sell or its actually happening and and a good sell

who give a rats *** anyway

According to Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, and BP, hell yeah it's a hoax!! GOP 2014!!

The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2013 and 2012.

Yes, Climate Change organizations have become the most profitable organizations in the world, in 2012 Jesse Ventura interviewed some guy in California he runs one of the biggest "Non-Profit climate change activist" groups in the united states....Ventura asked, if your non-profit how did you make 14 billion dollars last year (2011), thats not non-profit, where did that money come from" the guy straight out said...."I can not tell you that!".....this year 95% of supposed climate change groups and organizations and companies flatly refused to release their 2013 earnings....WHY?.... and every time this jesse ventura post gets put up it gets deleted, which is odd considering it took them what like 8 hours to delete the beheading video, all you have yo do is look how much money climate change pushers make to know it is a cash grab!

No, travel to California and see the dried lakes, rivers, and forest fires.

Climate change is real ... it is only a hoax to those who still believe the earth is flat ... !

Global Warming and Global Cooling are not hoaxes......they have happened many times over many millions of years.....they will happen again in the future.

CATASTROPHIC AGW .......the brand that has and is being peddled.... IS a Hoax.

I don't know, but I don't think that it is impossible for man's actions have caused some problems.

No, of course not.

But if one has billions and billions and billions of dollars tied up in the fossil fuel industry, one can afford to convince the sheep that it is--and obviously have done so.

ask the 36,000 walrus that hauled out in Alaska because there is no sea ice !

christians believed its a hoax, while the rest of the world, are aware of it.

Pure HOAX and Global SCAM --- YES !!

Here's the proof.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for almost 18 years.

I got an mine degree at a community college that is world renown for turning out 7000 members of dat Home-land defense!! One if my instructors was just a thesis away of beung a realz professor and he says global warming is so real that all of the ice off of the coast of california is gone and that they are on fire!

"global warming" was a manufactured term by democrats whose sole purpose was to be used as a battle cry in the never ending effort of dems to demonize and slander Republicans. It's not the 1st time they've manufactured such lies and myths, and it won't be the last.

(See: "War on women", "anti-immigration", "racism", "exclusive old white rich people makes up entire Republican party", "wealth inequality")

Then, earlier this year when "global warming" was conclusively proven to be entirely inaccurate, the dems needed to scramble and do it quickly so as not to lose their footing on their string of myths...so they lateraled, and re-named it from "global warming" to "man made climate change", which is what they currently call it now.

And when confronted with this question: "How can you claim man made climate change and blame it on Republicans when your certainty about global warming existing has been proven to be completely false?"

Their response? "Racist CON!"


More than likely

absolutely.. since when do you need a degree in simple deductive reasoning

Its a hoax and religon

google it

define "man-made global warming" in your own words...