> Is a Climate Science degree for second raters?

Is a Climate Science degree for second raters?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I'm sure there are quite a few intelligent idiots in the field. I think climatology does attract people with very low critical thinking skills who believe in "the cause" more than they believe in the scientific method though.

Well, when this article first came out (you're kind of behind the times, aren't you?), I asked a question about it too. It sounded to me like Lindzen is admitting that he's a second rate scientist. And the idea that Lindzen is the "world's greatest atmospheric physicist" is laughable. Where did Delingpole come up with that work of fiction?

Perhaps Lindzen should get out of the field if even he doesn't consider himself to be that smart.

The entire premise of the question is incorrect, anyway, because most climate scientists don't have degrees in "climate science". Can you name a single climate scientist with a degree in "climate science"? Not Hansen. Not Mann. Not Phil Jones. Not me, even--my B.S. and M.S. are in Physics, my Ph.D. is in Earth Sciences.

What's really ironic is that I've never heard you nor Zippi62, nor Maxx, nor Ian say that they had a degree in ANY subject. If any of you do, please do tell us what your "expertise" is.

Sagebrush says:

"Peggy, if you knew my credentials you would run and hide, never to show your ignorance on this site again..."

I would love to see that Sagebrush, pretty please let me know what your "credentials" are. Were you the 43rd president of the United States by any chance? Are you a pundit for Fox News? Do you have a nationally syndicated conservative talk show on the radio? Or you are you just some crazy old coot that never learned science in school?

Ironically Dr. Lindzen himself is a Professor of Meteorology and has published numerous articles in the field of climatology, with many appearing in peer- reviewed journals.

However unlike you and some of the other deniers, Dr. Lindzen does accept the elementary tenets of climate science. He agrees that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, calling people who dispute that point “nutty.” He also agrees that the level of it is rising because of human activity and that this should warm the climate. [1]

Dr. Lindzen believes that cloud cover would mitigate the effects. He has admitted that his 2009 paper contained some stupid and embarrassing mistakes in his handling of the satellite data.. When he tried to republish, after making corrections, the four reviewers of the paper, two of whom had been selected by Dr. Lindzen himself, strongly criticized the paper and PNAS rejected it for publication.[2) Dr. Lindzen and Choi then succeeded in getting a relatively unknown Korean journal to publish it as a 2011 paper. Andrew Dessler published a paper which found errors in Lindzen and Choi 2011, and concluded that the observations it had presented "are not in fundamental disagreement with mainstream climate models, nor do they provide evidence that clouds are causing climate change. Suggestions that significant revisions to mainstream climate science are required are therefore not supported." [3]

Similarly to crazy people who think the majority of the people are crazy, Dr. Lindzen seems to suggest that the majority of the climate scientists are less intelligent then he is. He is certainly entitled to his view but that does not make crazy people or sane people right.

As with regards to Trevor, I have a lot of respect for the man. Come to think of it you fall in the same category as the Nazi's you so often quote to support your case, although not nearly as intelligent.

James Delingpole is a conspiracy denier like you and he has nothing to offer

Lindzen is another dumbma** denier who thinks AGW is natural

Richard Lindzen, the man who questions smoking causes cancer, the world's 'greatest atmospheric physicist'? Ha!

Only in your dreams.

I was tempted to say that must mean a Denier Degree was for Second Graders, but that would be an insult to 7- and 8-year old kids all over the world.

Intelligent people avoid seriously overcomplicated issues or they at least avoid making factual statements based on conjecture or a prepondurance.

It's above your head, assuming you are as stupid as you let on.


According to this expert, Trevor, if he really is a Climate Scientist, is a second rate scientist at best.