> Does this article just prove that 'military intelligence' is an oxymoron?

Does this article just prove that 'military intelligence' is an oxymoron?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Baccheous really has a few screws loose. It is important to let alarmists realize that they believe because of the politics not that all leftists are that gullible. I understand that people like Bacch have a hard time accepting that their belief system is so shallow and easily broken down but they need to face it.

Does this article just prove that 'military intelligence' is an oxymoron?

I would say no.

The US military isn't represented by one admiral who is retired. In fact, it is lead by a real crackpot, Obama. He is the Commander in Chief but it has been his mission to eviscerate the military and that is one of his successes.

It is amazing the imbeciles like Dook still insist there were no WMD in Iraq yet they magically appeared in Syria. They are stooges for the media and the useful idiots that Lenin referred to.

<< If Sadam never had any WMD then why is everyone so worried about this new terrorist group getting their hands on them? How come all the governments gave a sigh of relief when Canada took charge of his yellow brick?>>

The 'yellow brick' you are referring to is actually known as yellowcake. Some 600 tons of it was stored at the Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Centre in Iraq prior to the US invasion. The site as well as the material was known and monitored by the UN weapon inspectors.

That completely changed with the US invasion when the site got looted extensively by locals (who used drums previously containing radioactive materials as water storage).

It's amazing how you and Jimz appear to have completely forgotten about the known and UN sealed and monitored WMD stockpile in Iraq prior to the US invasion as well as the repeated UN calls-to-action when this stockpile got looted after the US invasion yet are now somehow surprised this material is ending up in the hands of ISIS and Syria.

The military's designation of global warming as a national security threat is a political move dictated by the civilians in charge.

No, it proves that the military can't afford to stick their heads in the sand and say "la, la, la, it's not happening", when climate change--*whether or not it is man-made*--will have real, tangible effects on their operations.

I agree whole-heartedly with JimZ, The U.S. Navy has "politics" built into it also. Officers are chosen for specific duties and the MIC (man-in-charge) is Barack Obama at this point in time. It only took him 5 years to finally get who he wanted as a public speaker for the military. I personally know how the politics shape the military ('82 - '88). It's "brown-nose" central for the most part.

It looks to me like the military is asking for more funding due to climate change. I'll tell you that I believe in the tooth fairy if you stick millions of dollars under my pillow.

Imagine that? The US military adopting a position that requires a strong and vast US military.

Sure, Sage. That's why they couldn't find WMD in Iraq that the decoder ring you sent in five box tops for proved were there.

So now we know there's a name for what we see here.

"The military is dumb." Dunning–Kruger

"Scientists don't know what they're talking about." Dunning–Kruger

"Universities don't teach people to think." Dunning–Kruger

Brandon Smith, genius. :(

I think they know to much about Alph

They are smarter than you, Sagebrush.


According to JimZ, the U.S. military is Marxist.

More money for them for imaginary menace

It entirely possible that they know more than you.