> What Will Happen when The Ice on Himalya in Asia Melt?

What Will Happen when The Ice on Himalya in Asia Melt?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Will the Whole of Asia go undr water within few Months?

When they are completely gone, rivers which now flow steadily will become intermittent. But the ice in thew Himalayas will only add a very small contribution to sea level rise, insignificant compared to that of Greenland and Antarctica. But even that ice will only flood areas 70 metres or less above sea level.

Scientists are not talking about either as an issue, Mountain glaciers make up a tiny percentage of the planets frozen water, they will eventually have a small effect on global sea level. Antarctica and Greenland's ice sheets make up 99% of the planets fresh water even if these massive areas melted (and that would take thousands of years) it would raise sea level only about 65-70m.

So I don't think you will see a massive sea level rise linked to melting of the Himalaya's, of course the real problem with the melt of such glaciers is the melt from them (and other mountain glaciers) provides hundreds of millions of people around the world with water from India to North & South America to China and Russia many regions rely on this melt water to get them through dry seasons.

Deniers seem very keen to invent issues to deny, they also keep raising the point of people breathing CO2 but this is not even an issue, never has been. The amounts CO2 is likely to rise even in the next several centuries is far below levels were it is a direct problem for respiration.

So what do scientists actually say about sea level out to the end of the century, the IPCC say 1-2m, does this imply a total loss of Antarctica or Greenland, hardly.

It takes only about 1% of the mass of both in the sea to raise sea level ~1m.

From 1870 to 1995 sea level rose ~200mm and from 1995 to the present a further 55mm. At the current rate of rise (even if it doesn't increase in rate) we will see a further 271mm by the end of the century, that's a total of over half a meter.

The rate of sea level almost doubled in the mid 1990's just a couple more rises like that over the course of this century would easily get us over the 1m figure.

Given what we know of natural ice melt seen in the glacial cycles they tend to start slowly and then accelerate as ice melts there is a feedback as darker earth and water is exposed and albedo changes, which also makes ice melt more quickly.

No. If all the ice on Earth melted most of Asia would remain above water. Some of the Himalaya is nearly 30 thousand feet in elevation. That is nearly 30 thousand feet above the highest possible rise in sea level.

C are you really that stupid? If the sea level rises by 200 meters, only the land that is now less than 200 meters in elevation be be below the sea level. I do find it humorous that you ask if I am in elementary school when I can assure you I knew far more than you do now when I was in elementary school.

first of all, (man made) global warming is not proven, its a theory. All computer models and predictions made in the 90s have not been accurate. The Himalayan glaciers are most likely here to stay, Asia will not be underwater in a few months, Its winter in the Himalayas first of all. second the Himalayan glaciers don't even have enough water to sink the freaking largest continent on Earth.

Well the seas would rise the slightly. The big thing is that both Chiba and India would have much lees water for growing crops and millions of people would starve to death and some would die of thirst

The at risk population is the very young and the elderly

Jim Z If all the ice on earth melted Asia and the rest of the world would be ar least 300 feet under water. Are you still in elementary school??

Mike Dum, Da. Dum. Dum, DUM it is 2035 or sooner

This is for you

Well, we are told that might happen by 2305. This was mistakenly reported as 2035 in AR4, and attempts at correcting it were ignored by Rajendra Pachauri, who bashed his own country's scientists for pointing out the error.

This is an old scare. This came up a couple years ago and it was proven to be made on fantasy and false assumptions. Some high level scientists actually apologized for their misdeeds. This is a retread argument.

It can't melt it's not real ice. It's plastic. All the ice was exported tears ago for cocktails in the West.

Will the Whole of Asia go undr water within few Months?