> Do you believe in recycling or not?

Do you believe in recycling or not?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Thank you for exposing this; it is something I have known for a while. Recycling is better in concept than in practice.

Okay I'm not going to say this video didn't have a few good points, because it did. However a lot of what they did is throw around the word ******** a bunch of times and now everyone believes what they said. First of all I still truly believe recycling is a great thing to do and always will! At one point they said that basically recycling plastics is pointless. Think about how huge the plastic industry is. This includes: Bottles, Bags, Food containers, And 100's of everyday use items. Obviously it's a **** ton of resources that are used to make all these items and obviously at the rate we are using these materials they aren't going to be survive. So OBVIOUSLY we need to find a way to reuse old materials. There biggest argument is that it was a waste of "energy," which I assume they are attacking the idea of global warming. However if you are looking at the whole picture, really it doesn't make a considerable amount more than dumping it and starting over from scratch. They also said that most papers come from quote on quote "Tree farms" which really isn't a thing. Tree farms are a relatively new idea which hasn't produced very much paper at all as it takes decades for a tree to grow into harvesting stage. The only trees farms they could possibly relating to is wild forest such as The Amazon, Various African, Indonesian, China, USA and so many others. More than %80 of the world's forest have already been destroyed. So obviously we are running out of resources and fast! Check out some pic here: http://www.greenpeace.org/international/...

Please, Please, Please don't believe everything people like this are trying to tell you: Although recycling isn't going to save the world it is going to be the first step to curing it.

I didn't view your vid. Recycling can be beneficial if it is done wisely. There are many good management methods that recycle materials. Why throw the baby out with the bath water?

Edit: But don't put me in the same boat with greenies. It is costly for municipalities to pay for separate (from garbage) pick up of cans and newspapers at residences. Inefficiency is wasteful, a destruction of resources. How can recycling be justified when it requires more resources than it saves?

I believe in recycling. I have seen recycling bins, and recycling trucks picking up those bins. I have no reason to think those items going into the trucks are not being recycled.

Actual recycling myself, not so much, as I think it is largely a waste of time. I don't go out of my way to do it except for metal and those spiral light bulbs which contain mercury.

More likely I will throw regular trash into a recycle bin, just to mess up with the efforts.

I saw the episode a while ago. It made some good points, but it also had some flaws.

I think it's definitely the case that we sometimes... almost fetishize recycling. We think of recycling as inherently good even when, in some cases, the benefits are minimal, or even nonexistent.

But one thing that I think the episode glossed over, at least somewhat: we're throwing this stuff away one way or t'other. We need to look at how much *extra* it's costing to recycle it vs throw it away, rather than *just* at how much it's costing us to recycle it. Similarly, we need to look at the (marginal) cost of recycling vs the cost of harvesting new resources, not just the marginal cost of recycling.

There are still some things that it may not pay to recycle. I tend to.. not worry too much about recycling paper, especially typical junk mail--I'll do so if it's convenient, but not if it isn't. But I'll go out of my way to recycle metal, and I can even make money recycling certain types of plastic.

I always thought it was weird the way most of the cans I collect and recycle are picked up around the project housing and low income areas. People watch me collect the aluminum and I guess they don't know I turn in about $6,000 worth a year. At the same time I collect the loose change that's scattered around the parking lots for and additional $1,500 per year. Go figure.

Recycling is often largely symbolism over substance like most leftists causes. It is more about getting people to think with a like mind and belong to the cause. When recycling makes sense, such as aluminum cans where it save money, it is used. I am all for recycling when it makes economic or ecological sense but I get annoyed by the recycling police that ban plastic bags and want to micromanage how you arrange your garbage particularly when it all goes to the same place anyway. The mathematically challenged will claim there is no room to store it all and that is one of the canned responses you are supposed to believe in but in fact all the garbage in the world could be stored in one county, not that I would want to live in that county and why aren't they doing their part in sequestering all that carbon in the dump anyway.

Definitely, like if I have an old computer, I repurpose it. For instance I have a netbook and an old monitor and I turned them into a digital frame. Now I have a great new picture to view every 2 1/2 minutes. Another ancient computer serves as an audio recording device. Another has become a DVD player. 10-12 years old but serve the purpose.

What a hoot Recycling saves natural resources, reduces the oil needed to produce plastic bags and bottles, reduces co2 produced by trucking shorter distances. Too bad you don't know jack about recycling If you aren't part of the solution, you are a part of the problem

years ago it was thought that the US was filling up it's landfills with disposable diapers. A university did a study on a couple average sized landfills in a couple average sized cities and discovered, that lo and behold the primary ingredient was construction debris such as cement chunks, steel and wood products. Now I think that it is likely rivaled by plastic bottles and bags.

I believe in recycling I got used to it where we live if not we get a fine if we don't. I think it's good that we reuse things but these that need to be careful with using are plastic bottles that we drink out of. Especially things like leaving plastic water bottles out in your car and the sun warming up bottles and chemicals being released in the water that can cause cancer. I believe some things some have bad points. Everyone has their opinion but nothing can be done everyone does what they want whether it's good or bad for environment.

That is an accurate evaluation. In the last few minutes it brings it out, "It is about control." That is what it is all about. That and providing meaningless jobs at our expense. (How many of those workers voted for OBAMA?)

They should take this movie, clean up the language and show it to all the children in school. It certainly is more factual the Al Gore's movie which they are trying to cram down our children's throat.

Recycling causes more energy and destroys the environment.

After watching the Penn and Teller episode and some research, I will never again recycle.

Penn and teller youtube on recycling link full episode.


Do you still believe in it?

I don't believe anything on youtube. Have you seen all the HHO generators that defy the laws of physics?

My idea of recycling is to put it in the ground for 250 thousand years and no one will ever know the difference.