> How does wasting electricity cause global warming?

How does wasting electricity cause global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It depends on how the electricity is made in existing power plants and will be made in proposed power plants. If all your electricity comes from nuclear, wind and hydro plants, and the proposed plants are also nuclear, wind and hydro, it will have little effect on global warming. However, wasting electricity will mean that they will have to speed up construction of new power plants. Building new nuclear power plants and hydro dams involves the use of heavy construction equipment, which generally burns diesel and the production of large amounts of concrete, of which carbon dioxide is a byproduct.

But, areas in which the electricity is produced from coal typically have very old coal plants, more modern coal plants and plans for new coal plants. The very old coal plants tend to be very inefficient, and are often due to be removed from service. If you waste a lot of electricity, they will speed up the construction of the new coal plants and delay decommissioning of the old coal plants. If you waste less electricity, the new coal plants will be built, but as replacements of the old coal plants. This will be an improvement, since new technology allows the new coal plants to produce steam at higher temperature and pressure than the old coal plants. This makes them more efficient and they produce less carbon dioxide to produce the same power as a result. But if you actually save electricity, the old plants could be decommissioned and the new plants may not be necessary.

Even if nuclear or hydro plants are proposed in your area, you need to consider that nuclear and hydro plants take much longer to bring on line than natural gas and coal plants. If you waste electricity, it will be the natural gas or coal plants that get built.


And global warming is not caused by the heat prodice in the generation or utlilization of electricity. It is cased by greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide. The Sun is the power source of global warming. Carbon dioxide makes Earth more effective at trapping the Sun's heat.

Now-a- days in every house ,there are many type of electric equipments that run on electricity. Many of them we have to make them run 24 hour like the freeze in some cases air conditions which are responsible for emitting global warming gases.Other types of electronics like television, radio and water heater. For the television and radio we used them for a short time when we finish of using them we just made in stand by, when they are in stand by them still using electricity so we have to shout them down from the main source of power. Water heaters also use electricity when we do not use it we should just turn it on when we take the shower.

in every cases, regarding using electric equipments, we have to optimum in use them otherwise it will create factors which induce the global warming.

It doesn't, that is just a Climate-Cult myth.

Human activity does not drive climate, the Sun does and people don't control the Sun.

Get the straight story on the man-made Global Warming SCAM here:

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Nancy, when electricity is used, more has to be produced. When an excessive amount is used - by wasting it, for example - even more has to be produced. If you believe the manufacture of electricity contributes to global warming (and you believe in global warming) that is the reason it contributes to - not causes - it. Personally, I don't like to waste it because I don't want to PAY for any more of it than I have to.

See, here is the thing. Wasting electricity is wrong on its own. It has nothing to do with Global Warming but the myth of Global Warming needs to be stressed to get people to conserve resources. You should do it because it is the correct thing to do not because you believe in some Fairy Tale. The whole Global Warming myth is being promulgated to get people to do the right thing. It's like the Heaven and Hell thing in religion. They came up with Hell to get people to act correctly. I personally act correctly because it is RIGHT not because of some fear of punishment or Global Disaster. It is sad that we need to stoop to this level to get people to do RIGHT! I am so sad that humans are like little children and need fairy tales to keep them on the right path. So Sad!

It doesn't. The electricity was already made so the damage was already done before you used/ didn't use it.