> Do AGW cultist 'scientists' still consider Lake Superior to be "On its way to becoming the world's bigg

Do AGW cultist 'scientists' still consider Lake Superior to be "On its way to becoming the world's bigg

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes, appar. some do...despite record cold temps in that "neck of the woods" and in N. Europe...like in Germany and Scotland (where lives a good friend of mine).


Yep, around Lake Superior was among the coldest on record.

Southwest was among the warmest.

Just a few questions ago was a question about the relationship between weather and climate.

If Lake Superior is significan6tly warmer in September than it is now, will that be PROOF of global warming?

Not to worry if you're not liking the answers you're seeing.

Kano, James, and Raisin will soon say, "OH, you're absolutely right."

EDIT: James, "AGW ideology should be classified as a mental disorder."

Somehow, I'm not thinking that AGW deniers, particularly the more strident ones, are all that qualified to be deciding what is a mental disorder.

Yes, mother nature is so "sadistic" that it made March 2014 the 4th hottest March on record.

It's great that you can focus on so many details without having a clue of the big picture.

EDIT: "You are the 1st to made the stupid claim that lake superior is not the whole world." How silly of me! Obviously it IS the whole world...as is any other place that you think is cold and disproves global warming.

I don't think anyone in their right mind would believe Superior is becoming a hot tub BUT thanks for links that support AGW Since the lake has been warming for many years, it is indeed proof of climate change

Hot tub is something you made up.

One year does not stop a trend.


In 2013 this was claimed that Lake Superior was warming faster than any other lake on the planet.


In 2010 Scientific American stated that Lake Superior was running a fever.


It's May, 2014, just 7 months after it was claimed that the lake was turning into the world's biggest hot tub by warming up faster than any other lake on the planet, Lake superior still has a massive 40.7% (12,902 square miles) of ice cover over the entire lake.


NOAA experts claims the lake may have ice clear into June with the ability to break a 35 year old record for ice, which this expert ironically claims is, "no doubt caused by global warming."

[Seriously, are AGW cultists delusional beyond mental illness?]

So, in short, Lake superior - on track to becoming the world's biggest hot tub because of global warming 7 months ago is still covered by 12.9 thousand square miles of ice, again caused by global warming, is now on track to breaking a 35 year old record for ice cover this time of year. Have AGW cultist elitists have no shame? No humility? This is embarrassing.

And before some resident AGW cultist dismisses the relevance of this because "Lake Superior is not the whole world" it is because yoour AGW 'Science' made it so