> What do you think, does this man believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming?

What do you think, does this man believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

He's a Democrat, right? So of course he is on board with the man-made Global Warming SCAM. And you can see his vast knowledge of science with his concern that Guam might tip over.


I couldnt' watch the video because me sound card is Kaput. I am guessing that if you asked him, he might take offense and claim he is a heterosexual and that he has never engaged in anthropogenicking, ever. I do remember the island tipping remark though. I think it was Groucho that said he wouldn't be a member of any club that would admit him. It is a pretty funny world he lives in with islands floating around. Another congressman claimed that the sharks still follow boats waiting for bodies of slaves to be dumped. Anther talked about men landing on Mars. Then there is Gore who invented the internet and had movies made about him and Tipper, never met a legal controlling authority, and is currently saving us from GW while raking in the cash. Being in Congress is no guarantee of knowing the first thing about anything.

Sorry, I can't watch the video.

Well not without tears streaming down my face with laughter.

When I think of the quality of government ministers and EU commisioners we get over here ("Slovenian Commissioner-designate for transport Violeta Bulc, who reportedly has trained as shaman and is able to walk on fire") I always remind myself that Obama endorses Hank in the US. It cheers me up no end.

Hank has his own questions about "tipping points". Nothing gets past him. I wonder what will happen to the navy ships what with all this sea level rise? Will they sink if it rises too much? Enquiring minds need to know.

Is it any wonder the world is in a mess? Billy Connolly, a scottish comedian, reckons that if anyone actually wants to be a member of parliament that should be grounds for refusal. Maybe it should be like jury service in the UK. You just get called up for a period of time to run the country. It is hard to see how it could be worse than what we have.

What does it matter what anyone individual thinks about AGW? The Laws of Physics, Chemistry and Thermodynamics are not impacted by the thought that we find them unfavorable to us. Why do never use the Laws Physics to counter the AGWT?

Not if he is intelligent and educated about the subject.


I'm almost certain he does. But does anyone know for sure?