> Where is this rapid warming that global alarmists always talk about?

Where is this rapid warming that global alarmists always talk about?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
All I can find is a rapid increase due to the 1998 super El Nino

That has been the question all along. The Alarmist community has tried falsifying climate data, but were caught red-handed......they have tried using smoke and mirrors with bogus "studies", but were busted.....they have gone so far as to use the law to push the CAGW cause, but now that VotersTaxpayers realize that they have been lied to.....there will be big changes at coming elections.

It is so sad that there are those who are so ego-driven, greedy and power-hungry, that they would participate in such a criminal enterprise. My heart goes out to the ETHICAL scientists who have not contributed to the hoax of Man-caused, Catastrophic, Global Warming......their credibility has been damaged along with that of the culprits.

Rapid warming did stop about 11,000 years ago. Here's the proof. There's reasons why people limit their data to the last 30 years.

In people like Baccy Baby's minds. Ha just look at him and his crumby graph. Now here is the real world.


0.87 degrees in 353 years and his chart has wild swings of 2 degrees in less than 100 years. How can people deceive themselves this much? They walk among us folks. Ha! Ha!

As Baccheus said, "Why did you stop in 2008."?


It's hiding in the deep ocean, or volcanic activity is masking it, or the Chinese aerosols, or the trade winds... oh, it's out there somewhere.

Why did you stop in 2008?

All I can find is a rapid increase due to the 1998 super El Nino