> Wikipedia, Breitbart, WUWT, Heartland. Which has more accurate climate science?

Wikipedia, Breitbart, WUWT, Heartland. Which has more accurate climate science?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Follow several, never follow just one.

1. almost all sites out there have a certain amount of "wrong info".

for wiki i would say about 10-20% depending on the subject.

2. "we" have never been able to "recreate" correct weather "forecasts" for the past time that we have data.

meaning, if we use any of the models, that tell us how the climate will change say in the next 20-50 or 100y, and you use the same calculations to "predict" past weather, it doesnt match up with the data we have on record.

3. earth is going thru hot/cold cycles for billion years, just because we have 200y of weather data, doesnt mean S*^&.. ;-)

let me see just ONE weather forecast, that will be correct 95% of the time, for a whole year, and i will change my view..

4. most greenhouse gases are coming from animals/cattle (on this planet) raised for food, so i wouldnt worry about the 2nd biggest polluter (transportation), since removing methane would have a larger impact on the environment..

NOAA, Science magazines, a lifetime living mostly in the same town (my own eyes over time) with frequent travels about the world. IPCC is too politically censored to say what they really find out in their research.

I use any source that gives me accuracy.

What people use for information sources says quite a lot about them.

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