> Does an early snowfall dampen your global warming spirit?

Does an early snowfall dampen your global warming spirit?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
so you're a silly liberal that hates snow and would love to see the earth boil to further your agenda. sounds like commie nonsense to me.

The planet is a big place and the whole of North America is barely %7 of its surface. So I would refer to Alph s answer.

It is frustrating that some people don't know the difference between weather and climate or trend and variation.


Where I am it is unusually warm and dry for the time of year.

See, I just disproved your silly argument.

More snowfall leads to warmer temperatures.

what part of global is beyond you?

As a believer in so-called "global warming" I get a little blue, even a little depressed when we get early snows and temps once again fall below normal. I would love to see temps above average and snow to be a rare occurrence to the point where our kids won't know what snow is. Every time we get these colder temps, my friends always make fun of me for believing that the planet has a fever. I just wish it would be warmer just so I could tell them "I told you so". How about you?