> What can we do to reduce the human impact on climate change? Develop at least three practical strategies.?

What can we do to reduce the human impact on climate change? Develop at least three practical strategies.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
All I can really think of is to reduce our carbon footprint, eg by taking more public transport and sharing cars so we're not producing as much carbon dioxide. Walk more often etc

Another I guess could be recycling, this can reduce the amount of fuel we need to make more plastic as the process uses a lot and produces a large amount of carbon dio..

Stop making so many fires, as it's essentially burning and releasing co2- although that's a stab in the dark and may be wrong.

Three practical strategies

1. Solar power

2. Nuclear power

3.Hydro power

There is no practical strategy to control the earths climate. We do what humans have done since we developed tools, figure out ways to mitigate the adverse effects of climate. Build levies, damns, resivoirs, wind breaks, rotate crops, heat and cool our homes, geneticly modify our food crops to be more resistant, ....

1.) Less trash,

2..) Eating what we buy and buying what we will eat.

3.) Better economic cars, focusing on alternative fuels.

4.) Less beef and pork, more chicken and fish.

5.) Turning off lights/computers when not using them.

global warming isnt man made so nothing.