> When the Right Wing finally admits that Climate Change exists, will they blame Obama for that too?

When the Right Wing finally admits that Climate Change exists, will they blame Obama for that too?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It is all peoples fault. What needs to be done to fix climate change is get rid(eliminate) every human( except me and my family and close friends of course)

some already do blame him

"Climate Change"

They are doing that already aren't they? They just can't seem to keep their stories straight. One minute it's not happening, then it's happening but it's not caused by humans, then it is caused by humans but it's too late to do anything about it.

Most sensible people know that the climate has always changed. It is only the less sensible that think it was constant until man started burning fossil fuels.

To illustrate the point, I have included one of those short, cherry-picked, graphs that deniers love.

I remember when Obama was just a baby president, barely out of diapers, and there was an Earthquake near DC. Obama's science czar at the time then discovered the cause, it was the previously unknown Bush's Fault or maybe my memory of the events is slightly clouded.

Obama has taken credit for nothing except leading Seal Team 6 in the killing of Osama. I am no sooth sayer but watch, his scheduled talk tomorrow will be littered with attempts to blame others. It is really pretty pathetic. I am sure he will then go golfing afterwards.

I wouldn't blame Obama but I might blame his teleprompter who is the real man in charge.

"Climate Change" is a phrase that was a normal part of life. Since the "environmental-leftist climate science clowns" stole the phrase in order to maintain an agenda, it has convoluted the reality that "the climate changes and has always changed". Try looking at the "actual" research involved when deciphering past climate states. Greenland's temperature has changed by as much as 15C within decades without the help of humans. The current warming that you seem so concerned about is 0.87C in 353 years.

I blame people's ignorance of the facts and a Liberal Government's agenda which doesn't entail the idea of "governing". Governments seem to be looking to maintain their power over people. These are Government ELITISTS. They work hand-in-hand with many Corporate and Banking Elites to maintain their status in life. "Obummer" has fallen inside this web of deceit. Away from his "banky" (teleprompter) the man is an empty suit (as someone has already suggested) without a clue of what our Constitution is all about or what its original intensions were.

There is clearly no limit to the range, absurdity, stupidity or shelf life of bogus pseudo-science and trickery http://www.skepticalscience.com/argument... peddled by the anti-science denial movement (which has less to do with archaic left and right "wings" but very much to do with willful ignorance, anti-intellectual fears, a lingering hatred of science by those who did poorly in it in school, and the massive 30 year campaign of anti-science deception funded by the fossil fuel industry).

In answer to the specific question, I think Obama will be cease to be a whipping boy before the deniers stop denying and start denying their prior denial, but anything is possible when you are dealing with the most ignorant 20% of the electorate, and some of the most corrupt politicians most reliant on campaign funding from oil and coal interests.




U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 2010:


“Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for a broad range of human and natural systems.”

“Choices made now about carbon dioxide emissions reductions will affect climate change impacts experienced not just over the next few decades but also in coming centuries and millennia…Because CO2 in the atmosphere is long lived, it can effectively lock the Earth and future generations into a range of impacts, some of which could become very severe.”

“The Academy membership is composed of approximately 2,100 members and 380 foreign associates, of whom nearly 200 have won Nobel Prizes.

Members and foreign associates of the Academy are elected in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research; election to the Academy is considered one of the highest honors that can be accorded a scientist or engineer.”







Wilds-of-Virginia has a point in saying that the "the Boy King has not fixed anything" but something other than objective analysis explains his failing to mention that a whole lot more things needed fixing as of January 2009 than did as of January 2001.

Maxx has posted his favorite fossil fuel industry anti-science deception videos in at least a hundred of his "answers" here already. They are as full of deliberate disinformation, deceitful trickery and patent lies as ever. (Google "Global Warming Swindle" and "Wikipedia.")

I am not aware of the right wing denying that the climate changes. In fact, most all o fthem accept that man's CO2 emissions are slightly warming the climate. They simply do not believe in the catastrophic nature of "climate change" by which you really man-induced CO2-caused global warming because I don't you have the ability to separate out climate change that occurs naturally from that caused by man.

Also the decided lack of evidence of any catastrophic events caused by CO2 emissions, you are likely referencing the models (of which, 95% are overestimating the current temps). I am not sure at what point not accepting models that are consistently overestimating, became denial of science, but I think that change has FARRR more to do with politics than it does with science.

Why should anybody on the 'Right Wing' start lying and join the big deceivers at this stage of the game?

We all know that Climate Change exists but man has nothing to do with it. In fact, the IPCC hasn't even bothered to adequately define Climate Change. So even if man made Climate Change did exist we all wouldn't know it because scientifically or legally it has never been defined.

We all know who's real fault it is. Just because this is a Liberal slanted question we know the rules:

Liberalism rule number one: Never, Never, Never, Never take the blame for anything negative.

Liberalism rule number two: If ever you feel a twinge of guilt refer to rule number one immediately and take two aspirins.

Liberalism rule number three for the next century: It is all Bush's fault.

Ha! Ha! Also The true scientists will never admit that Anthropogenic Climate Change until there is conclusive evidence as to that fact. That is the intelligent way. So far all the evidence is contrary to that conclusion that you so eagerly desire.

As to anything being blamed on President Obama, he is made of Teflon as history roves out. Benghazi is not his fault because he was smoking dope with a rap star in the other room. ISIS is not his fault because they are Junior Varsity. No wait, he wasn't specifically referring to ISIS, he didn't know they existed at the time. His intelligence men let him down. Oh, and they were known as ISIL or Al Qaeda subdivision at that time. His intelligence men let him down. And as far as ObamaCare, it was all the Republicans fault because they fought it so hard. And as far as the National Debt, that is Mitch McConnell's fault because he gave President Obama carte blanche. On and on and on. One thing a Liberal is good at and that is at making excuses. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Maybe, they like redirecting attention.

No one I have ever heard denies that there is a change in the global climate. What is still in debate is if that change is due to human interference or not. It is a real debate, and those on both sides who claim victory, or claim that science is now a popularity contest, " consensus" are doing more harm than good. In the 70's global cooling was a thing, and we were told to expect the next ice age. We only now are beginning to understand how our climate works today to predict the weather next week, much less in 50 years. This issue has been hijacked from real scientific inquiry and turned into a political weapon. I'm wary of anyone who considers any scientific theory "closed" that's just not how science works.

First of all they have to admit that Earth is not flat. And they will blame Obama for Earth not being flat.

no, they will say it's 'the will of god'

Its imaginary

Well read the new US senate report http://www.climatedepot.com/2014/09/08/n... and tell me you still believe in global warming

On that too? I love how ignorant and stupid liberals are I mean really, liberals never succeed in any of their stated goals and every time the reason is Bush, republicans or we need to waste just a few more Billion to really make the plan work.

Nobody denies that climate change exist, the climate has always changed and probably always will.

The debate is about MAN-MADE Climate Change or Global Warming or whatever they are calling it this week.

And there simply is NO **man-made** Global Warming and there has never been any.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for almost 18 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle


If you're old enough, you'll remember how the big tobacco companies handled reports tobacco was harmful to your health. Starting back in the 50s they did their own 'scientific' research to confuse the issue. Decades later, when they were caught and couldn't wiggle out, their defense was 'Well you shouldn't have listened to us! You should have known we were lying!'

It turns out the same PR firms who were in charge of lung cancer denial are now in charge of global warming denial! And a decade or two from now, when it's too late to do anything about it, they will also do that--'Well you knew our research was all financed by oil companies! Why did you listen to us? You knew our JOB was to lie!'

But you'll notice that whenever we have an environmental disaster, the GOP finds some way to blame 'liberals'.

How can you blame an empty suit.

Honestly I have to say I laughed when I read this. The thought never occurred to me but probably, yes. XD