> Why do lefties in Australia lie about global warming ?

Why do lefties in Australia lie about global warming ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Lefties lie about so-called "global warming" the world around. It's a political movement that all socialists and anti-capitalists believe in without any scientific evidence if it will be warmer or colder in 5 years.

Why do you get your science news from a conservatively funded fake news site written by a 'journalist' with zero experience in science who extensively quotes 'expert for hire' Patrick Michaels who in turn 'works' for the fossil fuel funded Cato Institute?

Is it perhaps because you are easily influenced by political bias?

The same reasons lefties all over the world lie about AGW. If they told the truth, no one would care about it and they certainly wouldn't support leftist solutions.

I think you got Dooked and your category was put in Australia. I put you back in global warming but we will see if it stands. Lefties don't like it when their lies are challenged.

>>And even if the current 18-year trend were to end, it would still take nearly 25 years for average global temperature figures to reflect the change<<

So, Michaels claims knowledge of a trend based on 18 years of data - but a change in the trend of that data will take 25 years before anyone can see it.

If Michael’s isn’t lying it can only be because he has suffered some kind of brain injury.

Lefties lie, no matter where they are. It is just a matter of survival. It they told the truth, the words would stick in their craw and they would choke to death.

So, Australia's drought is just something they are making up.

That is what lefties always do, lie about everything and anything. That is their natural state... =D

You're saying that right-handed people tell the truth about it?

likely some sort of mental issue

I do not think ,it is lying .It is just different views of the subject

Just because the temperature now is the same as it was at one specific time a decade ago doesn't mean global warming has really stopped. Merely looking at this chart make clear what a deception this really is to claim global warming has stopped.

They aren't called the loonie left for no good reason ....

Fake conservatives who lie about science, like fake geologists who believe in nonsense like abiotic oil, also tend to be addicted to empty juvenile insults like "leftie."

Once upon a time (when real conservatives outnumbered fake ones) "leftie "had real meaning.

Now it means, of people who use it, "I am a brainless echo chamber" or, in this case, "I am an ignorant dupe of fossil fuel industry anti-science."

Can you perhaps ask your question again while looking at the data? The source you link to is gibberish when we look at actual data. Are you talking gibberish too, or do you have a real question?

It would seem that intelligence, and honesty, have a liberal bias.

Why do righties in Australia parrot the right wing lies about Global Warming.... what's in it for you?

Just enjoy bending over for your Billionaire?

conservative blogs are so full of bullshit they should be illegal

They are brainwashed,what can I say?