> Would you shell out $14.95 for a Global Warming Survival Handbook?

Would you shell out $14.95 for a Global Warming Survival Handbook?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The Dorkster put on a piece that had Global Warming Survival Handbook on it. I looked it up and sure enough there is one and for only $14.95.

That's great - All believers should be forced to buy this book and the proceeds should go to build more wind turbines off the Cape Cod coast.

No. You do not need a survival handbook.. 'Global Warming' is not an actual thing.. You are thinking of Climate Change. Climate change is very real. But in no way do you need a survival handbook. Unless you can't function with every day activities. But no handbook could help you on that.

Probably not, I'm pretty broke. And I live in one of the countries that is less likely to be hard-hit, since we have enough of a cushion of resources to adapt to global warming. Some of our coastal cities may become uninhabitable (New Orleans, parts of New York), but I don't live near a coast.

My city may face severe water shortages, but I suspect they'll hit agriculture (and things like golf courses) before they significantly impact human drinking water. And, we may pump water from the ocean and desalinate it, especially if we install enough solar power to give us plenty of extra electricity. We're well-situated for solar power, and that would be a sensible way to use "extra" solar power during off-peak daylight hours.

on 12 21 12 atmospheric CO2 hit 400 ppm . the earth is going into a runaway , irreversible , permanent greenhouse effect . by the 2030s the earth will be a 800 degree F barren rock in space , how do you survive that ?

No. I already know how to survive with little more than the supplies I can carry.

I never heard of the "Global Warming Survival Handbook" though I do recall reading about the author of it, the one with the unmentionable last name. But maybe your fictional buddy "Dorkster" is familiar with this work. Maybe it can help you fight communists like Margaret Thatcher, by seeing Russia from Alaska.

No I got my own books

The Dorkster put on a piece that had Global Warming Survival Handbook on it. I looked it up and sure enough there is one and for only $14.95.