> Are the true scientists (often called deniers) really having a bad year as this Oilprice article states?

Are the true scientists (often called deniers) really having a bad year as this Oilprice article states?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

It probably was a bad year for real sceince. You have the idiotic graph that FSM presents which comes from a paper that IF FSM had any sense or honesty, FSM would never show that graph. But of course so many people are so easily manipulated, that it is not surprising that someone like FSM, falls hook line and sinker without doing any research into it at all.

The article mentions a COMEDIAN POSING AS A NEWCASTER, making fun of "deniers". I suggest everyone watch this rant. John Oliver STATES the statistics of the number of people who think global warming is not happening OR EXAGGERATED. Then this charlatan completely ignores the "exaggerated" portion of his statement and goes into how it is happening and how 97% of scientists say it is (though he certianly does not clarify this statement to make it accurate) THEREFORE he say, the skeptics are wrong.

Wait a tic. Did he mention the exaggerated? No. That would be honesty that warmers are not known for. But he does show a picture of the globe ON FIRE. Exaggeration anyone? This is how biased and blind to truth that John Oliver is. He does not even recognize his own exagggeration as he ignore that the statistic he first quoted and the people he said were wrong INCLUDED exaggeration. I would have thought he was trying to be funny, by being so obviously and blatantly exaggerating, BUT people are stupid. You see how stupid they are. They don't even notice such blatant stupidity anymore.

SO yes. Unfortunately as we are reaching yet another year of no statistically significant warming, the warmers are lying more than ever and fooling people with stupid political clap-trap.

They have to. Their entire BS is falling around them as 18 years of no statistically significant warming makes their idiotic alarmist world-is-ending crap more obviously wrong and stupid.

I hope people start seeing the 48 trillion dollar price tag they want as well.

When you say Deniers I assume you really mean Sceptics?

I don't think the sceptics have had a bad year. The IPCC is starting to get close to the kind of CO2 sensitivity figure the sceptics suggested a while back.

Global Warming is still not providing enough warming to increase the air temperature.

People are starting to suspect that when the IPCC says 95% confident it is merely political posturing and has nothing to do with science.

FSM is showing his gullibility otherwise known as complete lack of scepticism. I can recommend this link to set the scene. http://www.populartechnology.net/2013/04... . How did the researchers determine that the articles were peer-reviewed? What relevance has a search string without context?

Hell no.

Climate change deniers represent less the 3% of the climate scientist, yet 31 percent of Americans consider warming to be a natural phenomenon, and 10 percent did not accept the idea that global warming existed at all.

So lets bring some balance in the news reporting. [1]

Every year the average global temperature does not change is a good year for us real scientists- and we have had 15 good years in a row.

Quote "Every age has its peculiar folly; some scheme, project, or phantasy into which it plunges, spurred on either by the love of gain, the necessity of excitement, or the mere force of imitation. Failing in these, it has some madness, to which it is goaded by political or religious causes, or both combined.” Charle Mackay 1852.

You forget to capitalize True Scientists. This is possibly a mere genetic/Freudian slip revealing an ancestral relation to your idol, Joseph Goebbels, especially that aspect of his career seen during his 1920s devotion to the socialist revolution and the "liberation of the proletariat." But your closet communism is understandable. After all, as your highly accurate and painstakingly documented treasure-trove of True Quotations will doubtless confirm, the Warmer Liberal Maggie herself said "I love communism" or some words close to that http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics... Note also the Greenie background in this video of the famous Red politician. How clever of you to feign support of ecological extremists like Maggie:

Loaded question, you won't believe what anyone, even a scientist, tells you regarding this subject. Your mind is made up, and unlike a scientist, no amount of evidence will ever change it.
