> Two feet of snow fell in Maine over the weekend. Every global warming scientists told us that the computer models showed

Two feet of snow fell in Maine over the weekend. Every global warming scientists told us that the computer models showed

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I went to Maine and drove into New Hampshire and Vermont a couple weeks ago on our annual vacation. We went to see the fall colors but the trees seemed to know it was going to be an early winter and most had shed their leaves early which was a bit disappointing but it was still beautiful. I am glad we didn't schedule it a couple weeks later.

The quote was from 2,000. For snow to be “a very rare and exciting event,” much of Earth would have to warm by more than 20C.

My son lives in Maine, he didn't think it was exciting at all. To me, 'snow' is one of those four letter words. I have had enough of it in my lifetime. I curse Al Gore and his evil empire with every shovel of snow.

I am waiting for Rutgers university to update the oct anomalies, but Sept snow anomaly was way above average and I am expecting Oct to be the same, yes it would seem that snow is coming earlier and earlier, why, well I hesitate to say why, it could be lots of reasons.

It is not snowing any earlier or later then it ever has, it is not snowing in place that it has never snowed before, it's just been a while, storms are not any more frequent nor severe then they have been, even in our own recorded history of them.

The climate is changing, always has, always will, we still have very little understanding of how quick, or what are the actually tipping point.

Global climate models don't make weather predictions. And weather models themselves can't predict more than a few days out, if that much. In my area, I'm lucky to see weather predictions being accurate even 24 hours out -- but we have unusual geography and almost no research on winds aloft, besides.

Besides, your question is the same thing as pointing at a specific day of expense receipts and imagining it has anything at all to do with disputing the meaning of someone's entire lifetime of activities. Chances are, you have no clues.

EDIT: And of course it is a lie on its face to say that "every global warming scientist" told you anything.

Y you are a moron, it is snowing earlier than in the last 80 years

A true denier..

1. "a very rare and exciting event" is a quote for Britain, not USA. http://wattsupwiththat.com/2009/12/29/cr...

2. "Every global warming scientists" No, you are lying.

3. One weather event is not climate. Ask again during a deadly heat wave

i dont bemember hereing from thousands of gobal scientists but if you say so


“a very rare and exciting event” yet it's snowing earlier, snowing more, and in places that rarely receive snow. How were the computer models this far off, and if they're wrong about snow, what else could they have wrong? Should we reevaluate the computer models to see if they are accurate? Should this be done by global warming scientists of independently?