> Has global warming stopped?

Has global warming stopped?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
This says so. http://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/08/02/global-temperature-update-still-no-global-warming-for-17-years-10-months/


Climate change is not fully understood. Certainly, California is in severe drought while the UK has severe rainy weather. As a neutral observer seeking mostly scientific evidence in the subject when I examine it, I attribute the smaller rise of temperature increase to the particulates released into the air.

They seem to reflect sunlight and have a shading and cooling effect.

Leading scientists also state that the most likely explanation for the lack of significant warming at the Earth’s surface in the past decade or so is that natural climate cycles―a series of La Ni?a events and a negative phase of the lesser-known Pacific Decadal Oscillation―caused shifts in ocean circulation patterns that moved some excess heat into the deep ocean.

Certainly, many factors affect the Earth's climate in long periods:


Some scientists believe a mini-ice age is coming


That would make the CO2 a good thing.

Polluting the environment randomly without thought is certainly not a good thing to do.

If you look at cities in China now, it is plain awful. That is regardless of impacts on climate.

It paused overall - not stopped.

No. In the last few years the rate of increase may have been slower. This may be due to past measurement errors from limited satellite data or it may be due to faster-than-expected warming of deep ocean waters.

But the lie that global warming has stopped is just that -- a lie.


big oil and other corporations fund phoney studies to make people think it's not happening

( it's usually cowards who go anonymous )

Hah Gary F. we are all scientifically illiterate, except for yourself, so show us using your superior science and mathematical skills, how and why this is wrong.

>>This says so<<

"This" is wrong.

Don't you ever wonder why it is that only scientifically illiterate people like yourself believe what appears on WUWT and not anyone who understands math and science?

no it happens all the time


These says so:





This says so. http://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/08/02/global-temperature-update-still-no-global-warming-for-17-years-10-months/