> If earth is warming, what makes puny humans think they can slow it or stop it?

If earth is warming, what makes puny humans think they can slow it or stop it?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
They can't but they can make a lot of money and take away your freedoms by making you believe they can.

"Fear is the most debilitating of all human emotions. A fearful person will do anything, say anything, accept anything, reject anything, if it makes him feel more secure for his own, his family's or his country's security and safety, whether it actually accomplishes it or not...."

"It works like a charm. A fearful people are the easiest to govern. Their freedom and liberty can be taken away, and they can be convinced to believe that it was done for their own good - to give them security. They can be convinced to give up their liberty - voluntarily."

―Gene E. Franchini, retired Chief Justice of the New Mexico Supreme Court

how do you think puny microscopic bacteria and viruses can kill a big grown man like you? The puny argument does not wash.

billions of people on the planet do not have the co2 footprint of the typical American. we just need to cull the 1%.

I suppose what "global warming folks" will say will depend on how they interpret this "question."

"Gravity is real" folks might say that, regardless of where you are in outer space, you will fall back to earth some day.

Maybe because "puny humans" are causing it?

Only an insane person would even consider "culling the population." For you to even suggest that is frightening.

Like tropospheric ozone, it is certainly a challenging problem - but that does not mean we should just wimp-out.

Forty years ago, one-third of America's municipal water was unsafe to drink and three-fourths of its lakes and coastal waters to unsafe to swim or fish in. We have cured, slowed, and/or seen significant success in the treatment of tetanus, polio, yellow fever, measles, smallpox, cancer, and aids.

We managed to increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by over 40% [1] what makes you think we can not stop increasing it?

Your not driving a Ford F250 is not enough to mitigate the problem of global climate change. Note the operative word here, "global". Since this is a global problem then serious global efforts have to be made. At the same time, your driving an F250 does not help to alleviate the problem either.

Retired Navy? Which navy? Here is what the U.S. navy thinks about global climate change.





What about the navy's assessment of security concerns when it assesses climate change?


Again, I must ask, which navy did you serve with?

They can't

Seriously, global warming folks, short of culling the population to under 500 million and only using wind/solar and all electric vehicles. Tell me how you think my not driving my F-250 is going to help.