> Does global warming make literally every country warmer, or only certain countries?

Does global warming make literally every country warmer, or only certain countries?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No, not every country. It will be warmer in some places and cooler in others. You can expect colder countries to get more warming.

It makes every country warmer than it would have been otherwise. Some places can cool during warming periods, but some places warm and some cool even when global average temperature is constant. Greenland warmed more than most of the world during the Medieval Warm Period and the U. S. warmed more than most of the world in 1934.

No some will be colder with increased snow and ice while others will suffer from drought. Much of the world will warm slightly as time goes by.

99% of the worlds scientists accept global warming and the consensus among climatologists is that humans are responsible for current warming.

It is possible for global warming to cause some areas of local cooling. For example, if warming interferes with currents that circulated warm water to cooler areas, the warming could cause those cooler areas to become even colder than they would have been without warming.

However, on average, most places will be warmer with global warming than they would have been without global warming.

you are confusing the word Global with Everywhere. In the context of global warming it's an average over the whole planet with consequences to weather and ocean current patterns. Depending on ocean currents in particular, some countries could get cooler as long as the planet average is still increasing.

The whole planet, but Global warming is over with last year. all seasons have returned to normal naturally. Mike

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

'Global warming' affects sea temperatures and currents and the way weather systems behave. Although the long-term net result might well be a slight warming globally, the short-term effects of these features can be to raise temperatures in some places, lower them in others and, quite commonly, make the weather much wetter. Warm, moist air rises more readily, creating the weather systems to create more rain and storms, such as the rash of hurricanes and tornadoes the south and eats coasts of the USA have been suffering in recent years.

According to "realist" only poor countries are impacted.

Mmmm I love the smell of queef in the morning