> Global warming isn't real!?

Global warming isn't real!?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There is no evidence that isnt based on scientists who are paid to say there is. its just liberal bs to ruin businesses.

I think it's real but what do I know I'm no scientist

Creationists used to say evolution wasn't real. Then, after a while some started agreeing that there is micro evolution but not macro evolution. Terms they made up by they way.

The same thing is going on with global warming. "it's not real', 'it's not happening, 'it cooling, ok climate change is happening but it's not man'.

Deniers and Creationists are so scientifically illiterate it's pathetic

i'm sorry. where were you during your science lessons? do YOU have any evidence to suggest that global warming isn't happening? I have evidence that it does.

Ice caps in the polar regions are melting due to the greenhouse effect cause by CO2 and methane emissions in the atmosphere. The earth's crust is heating up. And fyi, global warming doesn't just mean that the earth is heating up. In some places like america, we witnessed freak weather when regions became inhumanely cold, more lichens and pollution indicators show that levels of harmful gases are greater in the atmosphere. Many people undergo respiratory diseases due to these solid carbon particulates and so respiratory diseases cause many deaths in hospitals.

where's your evidence?

You know if you read the annual reports of a few Fortune 500 companies whose profit rely on water and resources that have to be grown yearly. They believe climate change could potentially hurt their profits in the near future. There not pressing an agenda or presenting information about climate change. They just acknowledge they believe in that's all. You can take their opinion however you want it.

Yeah so the recorded amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere going through the roof since the Industrial Age and the predicted rise in global sea temperature, are all just.. Made up.

Ruin business? Explain how business won't be ruined by relying on fossil fuels which will become scarcer as time goes on, thereby increasing rather than decreasing in cost as time goes on? Or do you magically believe that you can continue to run economies by digging stuff out of the ground and burning it in essentially the same manner as people did 200 years ago?

Economies grow because you develop new technologies. Fossil fuels are an outdated technology that will have to be replaced. Ignoring that fact will cost you more in the future. So it's our reliance on fossil fuels that will ruin economies.

And, you'll notice, I didn't even mention global warming. We'll have to swap away from fossil fuels regardless of that particular issue.

You're confident you know if you read the annual reports of a few Savings 500 companies whose profit rely on water and resources that are grown yearly. They believe climate change could potentially hurt their profits in the near future. There not pressing an agenda or presenting information about situation change. They just acknowledge they believe in that's all. You’re able to take their opinion however you want it.

Global warming is real...if we just notice Atlantic that every day the ice of that sea is draining some times the ice sized about a big size island...which actually confirms us that Global warming is real.

I would not say that it is not real, however empirical evidence is showing if it is real it is pretty insiginificant, now that temperatures have stopped rising, and global sea ice is at average extent again, we should stop all this calamitous shouting about forthcoming disasters, get on about fixing real world problems.

Prove global warming. Just sit on a flat rock 24hrs. Notice warm rock. Bang head on rock. Notice how real.

There is no evidence that isnt based on scientists who are paid to say there is. its just liberal bs to ruin businesses.

Liberals want to ruin business. If you really believe this I'm amazed you ever learned how to type. Unimaginable stupidity.

I think it's real but what do I know I'm no scientist

I think it's real but what do I know I'm no scientist

Global warming is as real as you breathing Oxygen.

its real i think

Global Warming is honestly real....

el oh elz. yew iz kind of dumb methinkz. i iz not saying that i iz a liberal that iz in support of taking tonz of environmental precaushinz that will hurt biznessez but methinkz global warming iz definitely real :/ you should perhapz do some more research bcuz u do not sound very well educ8ed 2 me

its real i think

its real i think

The thing's we do effect the environment, One of my family members worked at a coal burning powerhouse with metal shards and dangerous gas just flowing into the atmosphere, With so many thing's that we do to make life easier is not always helping the environment, We have a very easy ways to live now, Even though it may not be good for the environment, It's what we have to do to survive.

Paid by whom? The scientists supporting AGW are paid by grants from unbiased organizations. The ones trying to debunk it are paid by companies that have a vested interest in being allowed to continue polluting. It is cheaper to support disinformation than to correct the problem.

Info Wars link doesn't really help your argument.

It's like lead in petrol, cancers from cigarettes , asbestos being harmless ... they deny it until they er, can't.

Global Warming is honestly real....

It's very real. Even if it wasn't, do you really think fossil fuels don't pollute the environment?

It is real but it isn't discussed very often.

You are correct, Man-made Global Warming is NOT real and here is the proof.

There is NO **man-made** Global Warming and there has never been any.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for more than 18 years.

Actually, it is real.

Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2013 and 2012.


That's not a question. It's a rant.

If you look up abuse, the 2nd definition is "rant".

So if your question gets reported, you know why.

That said, it's delusional to think that all, or even most, or even half of the scientists lie.

I cannot imagine that anyone would honestly think that's true.

It makes no sense at all.

Worse, you'd have to include scientists all over the world, not just in the USA,

because every single national science academy of an industrialized country says global warming is real.

Every one.

How deluded, or dishonest, does one have to be to think that they are more honest, and know more?

It defies logic.

Edit: Kano, "... now that temperatures have stopped rising"


You claim that everyone who studies physics, including all of the world greatest physicists are "liberals".

What exactly do you mean by that? Are you claiming that education causes liberalism?