> What will happen if no action is taken to reduce human impact on global warming?

What will happen if no action is taken to reduce human impact on global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I am working on a rough draft [nearly done, ugh finally :]) for my English paper and just want to know what you guys think of the above question. Thank you for responding :)

Pay no attention to the denialists. Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


Sea level could rise as much as 80 metres as ice melts in Greenland and Antarctica and much of the rest of the world could turn into desert.

And regarding China; if we want them to change, we need to lead by example. Contrary to denialist claims, solar, wind and nuclear power don't kill jobs; they create jobs.

pretty much the same thing as if action is taken to reduce human impact on global warming. The world's leading emitter of CO2 is China, with almost 50% more emissions than the US. Overall, the US, Japan, Europe, Russia, Canada and Australia account for less than 40% of emissions, and that percentage is shrinking. The developing world's emissions are growing fast with new coal plants opening up daily. According to the IPCC and its climate models, it will take an 80% cut in emissions to reduce global warming. So you could shut down all emissions from America and Europe, and global warming still would not stop. The proposed solutions do much less.

corporations will just keep making the cash hand over foot and putting it with the other trillions offshore. Remember the Chinese asked for help with their acid rain pollution. they stated since America and Europe sent most of their industry there they had to build electrical plants to run it. They bun coal in the plants and this produces about 70% of the acid rain pollution. IN the States we wash the coal before using and it knocks out 98% of the pollution stuff. Anyway this stuff kills about 700,000 a year in China and millions world wide. It is then carried over Japan and to California, once the soil hits a saturation point of I believe 7% the soil is not usable. China is like the dirty kid in the Peanuts cartoons that runs around.

see the corporations are not only getting slave labor but also side stepping the environmental regulations while bringing in a cheaper product and selling it a little under the American product and thus putting those businesses out of business. they employ Americans and pay social security etc. the ones coming in from overseas should pay to clean up China ad also a tariff.


Read the NIPCC’s report, Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science.

? Earth has not warmed significantly for the past 16 years despite an 8% increase in atmospheric CO2, which represents 34% of all extra CO2 added to the atmosphere since the start of the industrial revolution.

? At the current level of ~400 ppm we still live in a CO2-starved world. Atmospheric levels 15 times greater existed during the Cambrian Period (about 550 million years ago) without known adverse effects.

? The causes of historic global warming remain uncertain, but significant correlations exist between climate patterning and multidecadal variation and solar activity over the past few hundred years.

other than bring out the deniers,

- insurance companies will have to change their risks especially with weather disasters

- countries will end up spending a lot cleaning up

- the planet will be different than today - more deserts, different coastlines, different animal migrations

google 'ipcc consequences' for details. A draft IPCC report is leaked, the final will be on 25-29 March 2014.

The last official one was in 2007/link

What global warming?

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

There is no global warming, it is just natural cycles.

CO2 when more than 150ppm is saturated and can absorb no more long wave infra red radiation, it's warming effect logarithmically diminishes with concentration.

I am working on a rough draft [nearly done, ugh finally :]) for my English paper and just want to know what you guys think of the above question. Thank you for responding :)