> Global warming is at a 18 year pause?

Global warming is at a 18 year pause?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What if it never starts up again? How would the climate models missed again?

Yep, sure looks flat to me.

To my, admittedly untrained and non-scientific eye, I think it will set off upwards at some point.

Over time the flat section will be "corrected" to be the proper rising shape and that will magically prove that the models were right all along.

No. I know that you are not willing to look at our planet beyond its surface temperatures, but even the surface temperatures have continued to rise over the past 18 years. 16 years ago we witnessed an accelerated rate of surface temperature warming due to what is known as The Super El Nino event. We witnessed the warmest surface temperatures since the beginning of the industrial revolution due to the Super El Nino in 1998. 1998 was just 16 years ago. Since 1998 the surface temperatures were higher in 2005 and warmer still in 2010. Source: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/201... . Currently 2014 is on another record setting warm year.

The Pause could even be longer than 18 years.......Unethical, so-called 'Climate Scientists" have cooked the data so many times that we may never know what the climate is actually doing.

Me I think it will start cooling, as soon as sunspot cycle 24 enters it's minimum period.

Some1has2b According to RSS and UAH satellite records 1998 was and still is the hottest year on record


No it isn't.


Look at this. Perfect question and answer format.

They used to say that global cooling would destroy humanity.

who cares the US GOV. just wants to scare us....

They would have to re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-r... the data upwards.

What if it never starts up again? How would the climate models missed again?