> Does the 18 year pause in so-called "global warming" bothering you?

Does the 18 year pause in so-called "global warming" bothering you?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Wouldn't it be more favorable for your cause if this year was the hottest on record? Should the government "massage" the data to help better obtain this desired goal?


The government already has massaged the data. Data that we will never never be able to recover in its purest form. And we know that this pause disturbs a lot of, of not all, greenies. Just look at which way they are trying to influence the data.


But in 2009, as the thermometer hit record lows in America, he and other climate scientists panicked in a flurry of emails: “Skeptics will be all over us – the world is really cooling, the models are no good.”

They see and yet they stick to their claims that make them the most money and influence. Yes they are 'bothered' whether they publicly admit it or not.


It has all been made up by world leaders to cover that fact that we (mankind) are in dire straits and there is nothing anybody can do about it.. That's why world governments are going insane and trying to rat hole everything they can to prepare for the worse case scenario

What bothers me is that "skeptics" don't bother to check whether the claim of an 18 year pause is even true. If you check Gringo's graph, you would know that it isn't.

What pause? Even your beloved UAH dataset shows 18 years of warming.

How about you first present some actual evidence for your claim BEFORE you go off on a wild conspiracy rant?

YOU TROLL. Why would the government start now to fudge the data?

Your lies don't bother me

Wouldn't it be more favorable for your cause if this year was the hottest on record? Should the government "massage" the data to help better obtain this desired goal?