> Could volcanoes be a negative feedback for global warming?

Could volcanoes be a negative feedback for global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Not a negative feedback, volcanoes can cause some cooling but it is slight and short lived.

I think you are asking if volcanoes can provide a counter to our CO2 emissions. Volcanoes sometimes emit great quantities of sulfur compounds that tend to cool the climate but it is temporary since those aerosols get flushed out of the atmosphere in a few years. They emit ash which can affect the climate and even albedo on ice. Volcanoes also emit CO2 but not in the quantities that are close to human emissions.

No. It is unlikely that volcanoes would be effected by global warming.

Volcanoes are neither a positive or negative feedback.

Of course because every volcano releases many warming gases like SO4 , SO2, CO, CO2.

No. AGW is not going to cause an increase in volcanic activity.

That implies some link. How would more CO2 in the air force more volcanic activity?

