> How much of that $1B that the University of California is spending on Climate Change will go into the pockets of people

How much of that $1B that the University of California is spending on Climate Change will go into the pockets of people

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If it is even $1, that's about 1,000,000% more than his "opinion" or his "intellect" on the matter is worth.

Must be where Pegminer is from. Maybe he will get $1 out of that $1B and that will be about 1,000,000% more than what he-she's opinion or intellect is worth also.

How do you spell Clalifrnia? Bass-ackwards State IMO!!! I bet many of the looney-leftists there look from the North and downwards and think they are really on the East Coast (including Nancy Pelosi and Janet Napolitano).

10% is his current fee. Look at this for a REAL laugh-


I love Al Gore and worship at the shrine of climate change...

Now send me a check...! Lol

Not one penny will be spent for any valid research as is the case with anything.

What's your source for your claim that the University of California is spending $1B on climate change? No source. Did you make that up? If you did, I suggest that you send that money to your pal, Goebbels.

The Sage does not lie?

That's a good one. Thanks for the laugh.

What $billion?

What does your reference have to dowith it?

You are wasting my time.

(Except for the entertainment part.)

Why do you care? The University of California is a private corporation and can do whatever they want with their money.

Hard to say, because of the droplets of fossil fuel industry money trickling down to Wattsup.

Must really piss you off that you can't get your slice of that pie.

Keep making things up

None, and I'm glad to clear that up for you.

not just his pocket