> Why is there so much emphasis on and panic surrounding human CO2 emissions when the amount is so infinitesimal??

Why is there so much emphasis on and panic surrounding human CO2 emissions when the amount is so infinitesimal??

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You're absolutely correct, the amount of CO? in our atmosphere is tiny. It's in fact measured in ppm.

Did you know that all plant life on earth depends on this minuscule amount of CO?? Could you imagine what would happen if the amount changed, even in the slightest? I don't see why you're assuming that since there's not very much, it doesn't make a huge impact. You just FEEL like it shouldn't matter, but scientists who test it out KNOW it does.

In reality, global warming is easily shown to exist. Take a tank, give it a tiny amount of CO?, and show that it heats up faster than the other tank. The earth is no different. By changing the amount of CO? by 3%, we're accelerating climate change.

Good question. Believers admit we've raised the concentration of co2 in the environment about 200ppm over the last 100 years. That's a scant 0.02%! That's like having $10,000 in your wallet, 3 pennies in your pocket and finding two more pennies on the street. Your wealth isn't impacted at all.

It won't, but it's the current popular way to try to exert more control over us and to get us to live a dictated life. I remember about 40 years ago when it was global COOLING that was going to cause widespread catastrophe IF we did not act, as it was our fault to begin with.

Our impact is much larger than you state. Global warming is a simple fact.

Humans only account for about 3% of all CO2 molecules in our atmosphere. 29 gigatons for humans vs. 750 gigatons for naturally occurring processes.

And those 29 gigatons account for ONLY .28% of all greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere. Yes, you read that right. That's less then 1/3 of 1%. Statistically, that is defined as a negligible amount.

How is our effort to reduce our tiny contribution to rising temperatures going to cancel out the 5 billion year old geological heating/cooling cycle that is CLEARLY happening with or without us?