> Why is the focus of climate change prevention rather than damage mitigation?

Why is the focus of climate change prevention rather than damage mitigation?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Because climate change prevention fits into the green religion of having people consume less.

Damage mitigation does not fit with their religious ideas. So even though it is the only practical option, they continue to push prevention plans that will not prevent warming as China India and the developed world are rapidly increasing emissions. Scientists call for an 80% cut of emissions while Europe and the USA account for less than a third of emissions.

It's not irreversible. But the changes that need to be done will stop people like The Kock Bros from making billion dollar annual profits. They have the greed illness, so they put their money into politics and phony studies

Which principle: precaution or progress?

By Ivo Vegter, Daily Maverick, Sep 1, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


“The precautionary principle implicitly prohibits progress, by placing impossible burdens of proof upon industry and innovation. It can cause as much harm as it ostensibly prevents, so it precludes its own application. It is vague and arbitrary, which gives bureaucrats and their professional advisors the power to subvert the rulemaking process for their own benefit.”

When you are about to be hit by a truck, do you call an ambulance or do you get out of the way?

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

as far as i know the science says climate change is irreversible. so whats the point of limiting productivity by using less fossil fuels or with things like carbon taxes when we can use the extra money and productive capacity to help us adapt to a warmer climate. Examples include investment in more efficient desalination plants, sea walls, more efficient farming techniques etc. since we cant prevent global warming why waste a ton of money trying to and instead use the money for things that can actually help