> Where I can find the official list of countries participating to the second commitment period of the Kyoto protocol unde

Where I can find the official list of countries participating to the second commitment period of the Kyoto protocol unde

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I think you an expect China to participate. They made lots of money producing then burning HFCs to sell to Europeans carbon credits. Europe has cracked down on this, exempting it from CDMs. However the Greenies are so desperate I'm sure China will continue to find ways to make money.


Japan, Russia, Canada and New Zealand have no targets.

The US is not included at all in the list.

I doubt that any such list is ready yet.

And the notion of global warming being a government conspiracy is plant food.

Here is the list:

This has been really bothering me for a long time. The official website is very bad. One starts to think it's intentional, trying to conceal that only EU + Iceland and a couple of other European countries are willing to burden their economies while ALL the Annex countries (sickly outdated anti-European list BTW) get the blame in rhetoric.

I have been relying on piecemeal news about who is not participating anymore (Japan, Russia, Canada...)