> Will humans eventually become extinct through some drastic climate change, maybe meteriote like how dinosaurs die?

Will humans eventually become extinct through some drastic climate change, maybe meteriote like how dinosaurs die?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Wow none of these answers are based on actual sources just random thoughts. I took college level Environmental science and I can tell you there are many possibilities. Like if we don't stop global warming and follow our current trends, most of the areas near the sea will be under water, low level islands will submerge into the ocean and this cause loss of resources and most of the people would have to move further back from the sea. Now this will not make them extinct but it may cause some population loss and damage. There are other things like unsustainable population, shortage of food and water, spread of disease, poverty and nuclear waste, and a hundred other things. Now its hard to predict because so many factors are at play but the chance of a meteorite hitting the earth and wiping out the human population is very unlikely. When I say its unpredictable is because right now if we follow our same trends, human population will start to see a decline but in the future if we find solutions to our environmental problem or change our trends, we might have a different outcome.

I have no idea. There is no doubt that life on Earth will eventually end. BUT, mankind has managed to land on the moon and send drones to Mars. We currently do not have the ability to set up colonies on other planets, But 200, 500, 1000 years from now??? Who knows.

Of course mankind, as all things will eventually end, but it need not be the end of life on Earth or some extinction event like a large meteor that causes it. That is the amazing power of technology.

The flip side of that coin is MUCH worse. Many sepcies have survived on Earth for hundreds of millions of years. With all of the advantages that mankind has over other animals, there is no reason why we should not. EXCEPT FOR TECHNOLOGY.

The flip side of that coin is that we have the technology to wipe ourselves off of the face of the planet. One does not need a large imagination to figure out a scenario where the powderkeg called the Middle East goes off and bring the entire world to a nuclear fought WW3. That willfully stupid self-destruction is not only within our technological ability but well within the foolish nature of man.

But it need not be willful destruction that does us in. Simple curiosity can kill this cat just as readily. Evolution to the point of changing DNA to something "better" takes MANY generations. BUT, we are currently messing with the DNA of viruses, bacteria, etc.. Imagine being able to make a giant leap in evolution that would normally take hundreds of millions of years in the space of a few years. Now imagine giving that power over to our mortal enemy.

Those little single-celled organisms are our mortal enemy. They kill and have killed in the past more surely than we can manage (well more surely than we can until recently). Our own curiousity and messing with what we do not understand can lead to our self-destruction.

We are literally on the brink of either destruction or a brighter future than anyone a few generations ago could have imagined. That same crazy messing with viruses could lead to destruction OR curing cancer. Our crazy splitting of the atom could lead to a nuclear holocaust or being able to stop a meteor from destroying most of the life on this planet.

Our Sun, which gives us and the Earth life will eventually destroy Planet Earth.

But that is in a few billion years.

But the Sun will itself explode soon after. Well within a billion tear later.

This isnt speculation, it is science fact.

Just as the sun will rise and set tomorrow, the Earth's days will be numbered, eventually.

no. the dinosaurs didn't die from an asteroid, that was just an hypothesis. The theory is the dinosaurs died from global warming like all other mass extinctions.

Only the evil will become extinct.

Rev. 11:18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. KJV

So you greenies who are destroying the earth, you better watch out!

I think our biggest existential threat might be something like Yellowstone going off but even that isn't likely to kill all of us. We certainly have some things happening that are dangerous such as rouge regimes getting nukes and our current leaders seem to dither and bury their heads. They find fantasy threats and ignore real ones.

The human race will be wiped out within 100 years. I'll be dead by then, so who gives a shlt

Humans adapt to climate change. a metorite is always a possibility though

I think we'll become extinct long before the next city sized meteorite.

I think that some pathogen will do enough of us in that we'll be unable to maintain our technology.

After that, we're just another species - although smart, and subject to evolution.

One might keep in mind that today, with our advanced technology, we can create viruses to order.

And there are lots of folks around this world that think the afterlife is better than being on earth.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if at some point, some of 'em get hold of that gene altering technology and do the rest of us, and themselves as well, in.

In this universe, intelligent life must have evolved many times.

One wonders if there is a universal limit to the technology, and intelligent life always destroys itself?

Alternatively, we might create a self replicating technology that, in order to preserve itself, destroys us.

There are so many ways that we can become extinct.

And we have to avoid all of 'em, every time.

What'da'ya want to bet that we mess up .....

OH, never mind, we'll be dead. :(

I am much more optimistic, of course a planet killing meteor impact could finish us off, thats why I am so p!ssed off with how little we spend on asteroid and comet research.

Climate change is no problem, disease, nuclear war, could wipe out most of mankind but not all.

My main concern is mankind gullibilty, being easily led like sheep, allowing politics, religous leaders, dictators and the like to lead us into war and disaster.

My hope is man's adaptibility, his innovation, I am sure we will solve the energy problems, fusion is just around the corner, asteroids are abundant in mineral resources, I hope we can learn how to travel in space and one day go to the stars.

It is theorized that any civilization with the capability to destroy itself will inevitably do so. I don't try do dwell on this or preach it, but it is definitely possible, of course.

Scientifically, within the next 9,000 years, the human race will probably be extinct. Also, some disease or disaster seemed to wipe out most other species that ever lived. A "super disaster" we could probably live, we have modern enough technology to keep us alive through that, but disease is a big problem, many of the most deadly diseases like Ebola and stuff that isn't curable, would extinct us now, but thank god the government is keeping it out of America.

Not my problem. I won't be here. Plus, climate change is very gradual. Not drastic. It is happening, but very slowly. If a meteorite were to hit, I wouldn't expect it to obliterate the entire human race.

The Earth will become uninhabitable in a few billion years in any case.

Humans are most likely to extinct themselves by their actions. Pollution and using up natural resources that cannot be replaced easily.

Extinction is eventual but it usually takes multiple causes for extinction to occur, the asteroid or comet strike may have culminated the extinction of the dinosaurs but it was hardly the only cause, indeed, many dinosaur species went extinct thousands of years before and after the strike. Besides not all dinosaurs went extinct, the surviving dinosaurs evolved into birds. The KT extinction only killed off 75% of the species on Earth. We can likely avoid extinction by climate change or asteroid / comet strikes so long as there aren't additional concerns to worry about.

With some planning, humans could survive a meteor like the one that killed the dinosaurs. They would need to store food and they would need to keep hydrocarbon fuels in reserve so that they do not use millions of tons of duct tape for a crash program to build a lot of fast breeder reactors.

not likely in those ways, there are 7 billion people.

eventually, the species will evolve or disappear, give or take million years.

civilizations on the other hand come and go, like the roman empire.


No, you got the right idea, but the wrong reasoning. The decay of civilization is inevitably slow, and those who know the signs cannot convince anyone of the changes happening. The death of humans will come from some very long term problem. For example, we might readily adapt initially, but have passed a certain point where no changes can be made to reverse the fate of the species. At that point, a dramatic event such as a disease, meteor impact, nuclear terrorism, or energy crisis will only serve to further doom humans. We humans are far too arrogant to address our own problems, and by that, I mean there is no mechanism in place for global organization that benefits everyone. This is fairly obvious, because two people cannot even agree what is benefitting them.

Not in my lifetime....

We are full of our own importance, everything ends

No, but our civilization will be gone.

I really hope not.