> Why do skeptics and deniers call global warming believers 'Flat Earth Scientists'?

Why do skeptics and deniers call global warming believers 'Flat Earth Scientists'?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Is it because global warming believers think the climate should be static and never change? That the temperature graphs should always be flat like the earth?

Bruce, what you fail to comprehend is that alarmists and science don't go together. Sure scientists know that climates have always varied. It is only ignorant alarmists that pretend it didn't change until humans came along.

Because the Flat Earth Society believed in a flat earth and nothing could change their minds. Men sailing around the world couldn't convince them. Globes couldn't convince them. Maps couldn't convince them. Airplanes flying around the Earth couldn't convince them. And as a last straw, a picture taken by an astronaut from space still couldn't convince them.

Same way today. These same people believe that an increase in CO2 will cause an increase in temperature. So when they are shown that the Earth has declined in temperature for over a decade and all this while the CO2 level has increased. They say, "Ho Hum! You have been listening to Rush Limbaugh or Maxx too long." When you show them where Phil Jones and Jimmy Hansen even admit it, they say, "Ho Hum. No they don't!" When you tell them that they have no proof of GW, they say, "There is no proof that gravity works either."

Ha! Ha! Carter stopped funding the insane asylums in the 70s. This let the inhabitants out and these former inhabitants spawned, resulting in a mass of greenies being born. These are worse that their parents. They can't speak any language but 'greenie speak' where words can change meanings almost daily and a decline in temperature is changed to an increase in temperature among other mind boggling idiocies . They think ineptness is a virtue and that failure of climate models is the start of intelligence. It is Alice in Wonderland on steroids. Then on top of that they think they are the only sane ones in the world. But in truth, they are amusing as they contort through their Larry, Curly, and Moe actions. Plus as I have never been an outstanding or amazingly intellectual, but as long as there are greenies, I know that I will never get close to the bottom of the pit of humanity.

It is because this deniers have a home in some sort of imagination earth. With real life professionals know the effects on the Solar increased temperatures the environment till the the middle of 1900's.

In addition, they have a look at UV, cosmic radiation, in addition to over unity magnetic grounds.

Don't blame skeptics. Skeptics don't believe everything they see on WUWT or Steven Goddard or Joanne Nova. If they did, they wouldn't be skeptics.

But as far as deniers are concerned, unlike realists who have evidence, deniers have nothing but ad homs.

And here is some of the evidence; global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.



So, Carter released you and Madd Maxx from the insane asylum.

The reference is to those who just accept the current beliefs without question which is why deniers often use phrases such as "consensus" and "mainstream". What they fail to realize was global warming like many concepts in science was counter to the accepted beliefs at the time. The deniers even reference how some were concerned about global cooling in the 70's without realizing they were shooting one of their main premises in the foot.

It is because the deniers live in a fantasy world. In the real world scientists acknowledge the effect of the Sun warming the Earth until the mid 1900's.

They also look at UV, cosmic rays, and magnetic fields.

EPA-"global warming" Dissenter Silenced By Obama Administration For Cap and TAX

Ignorant liars often PRETEND that those who expose them are what those liars ACTUALLY are. Kindergarden style psychological projection is common amongst anti-science dupes and wannabe imitators of fossil fuel industry deceptions.

do you get paid by the question? You are flooding the forum with your dumb questions which you have no intent of learning from answers. .

they try to sound smart

Is it because global warming believers think the climate should be static and never change? That the temperature graphs should always be flat like the earth?