> What's more scary, the Ebola threat, based on actual occurrences or the climate threat based on failed models?

What's more scary, the Ebola threat, based on actual occurrences or the climate threat based on failed models?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The answer is very obvious. Ebola has resulted in deaths. Real deaths. The only negative consequences to GW are rich people getting richer, poor smucks like me getting poorer, people losing our liberties and climate scientists getting heart attacks from when they are exposed. The GW consequences are survivable and have a solution. Ebola is real and deadly and as of yet there is no reliable solution. EBOLA!

I have not heard of one single person dying from climate change, a coroners enquiry has never yet proven such a case, but we know of thousands who have died from ebola.

We would have to be very stupid to be more concerned about some future situation that does not have evidence behind it, rather than worrying about a virulent virus which kills 50% of it's victims.

After all no one can be certain about the future and what developments might occur, but ebola is now, here in the present.

Ebola because it is fast. Climate models are not perfect but are not wrong, it is just too slow for you to see the effects yourself (without taking millions of measurements all over the world for decades and then doing a lot of math), so you don't believe it. Your grand children will see it after you have been dead 50 years, but they will not believe what it used to be like in the old days and will just think the new climate is and always was that way.

Climate threat based on failed models, the Ebola threat will subside just like it has in the past.

Now that Ebola has come the The States, we can look forward to a 2015 of panic, scrambling and counter-productive governmental dithering.

Ebola....hands down! The models are expensive failures.....at Taxpayers expense, of course.


It's REALLY hard to get ebola....... read up on it. You have to roll in it to get it.

I can't imagine why everybody needs to panic about it.

Global Warming will kill us all - no matter how many "conservative" morons tell lies about it.

How can any diseases compare to GW.

Just wait another year. Then GW will start killing billions of people, maybe the year after, or a year after that. Anyways it will start happening.

Both, they are each directly affecting us and our future.