> If the science is settled, why are the greenies still taking our money to prove it?

If the science is settled, why are the greenies still taking our money to prove it?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Why? they need to keep people living in a constant state of fear in order to take more money from them in return for "protecting " them. Once the problem is resolved, the cash cow is killed.

The "settled science" isn't that we know every possible *effect* of global warming. What is "settled" is, essentially, that global warming is happening due to anthropogenic carbon emissions.

Your question is a bit like asking "If germ theory is "settled science", why are researchers still taking our money to study diseases?"

Your link is not about scientists trying to "prove" global warming. They are not asking for another satellite or another 5,000 weather stations. They had the smoking gun decades ago.


If your pal Goebbels has read the Communist Manifesto, he can tell you.

Probably for the same reason that even though according to George W. Bush "...major combat operations in Iraq have ended" (2003) we are still conducting those operations more than a decade later--that is, because the current Republican Party is completely out of touch with reality. If they stopped writing their garbage "minority reports" attempting to deny it and failing in their attempts to disprove it (BEST study), then we could actually try to address the problem, rather than to fight their ludicrous propaganda.

Because the greenies are part of the Entitlement Generation. Without the Taxpayer Tit, they would be panhandling on the street corners or bagging groceries.

Greenies take your money because it's green in color. Commie money is red. They feed the green money to the Reptilians who use 4th dimensional crystal power to propel Al Gore's jackbooted black helicopters, that will dominate the world, unless True Scientists copy/paste "questions" here 24-7.

Climate change is all about getting money.

Because deniers need more proof

Because they underestimated the dumbness of the deniers.
