> Does Christmas cause man-made Global Warming?

Does Christmas cause man-made Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes, those oats the reindeer eat are specially flown in. The wax on Santa's sleigh is fossil fuel based as is his beard wax. On top of that Al Gore is creating all kinds of CO2 producing mischief in order to make Santa move so Al can build a Club Med in five years after the snow and ice are gone.

And because all these politicians are bad they and their cohorts will get a lump of COAL in their stockings coal is at a premium. I heard that someplace in West Virginia they had to covertly reopen a coal mine and staff it with un-unionized elves in order to meet the demand. Obama has moved all Border Patrol agents from the borders and given them hugh CO2 producing tanks and helicopter trying to find and shut down this highly illegal activity. This leads to more marijuana getting into the US and the increase in marijuana smoke increases CO2 content by a factor of two.

Booze consumption increases. During the processing of booze the beer batch produces a thick layer of CO2.

Just think of all that Christmas wrap either going up in smoke or being hauled out to a landfill. How many acres of land are cleared in order to make that wrap let alone the extra energy to produce it.

Then we have the large amount of candle burning at different Christian ceremonies. Although, I think this is preferable to burning teachers like the Taliban does in Pakistan.


Then there is the crying when Santa does not deliver the right gift. The body at this time emits quite a bit more CO2 than it normally does. Same goes with the increase in prayers. The same goes for all the fornicating at office parties. Same goes for singing Christmas Carols. Of course this could be neutralized as I hear some New Jersey cops know how to stop all this breathing.

Then there is the increase in divorces caused by celebrating by fornicating with officemates. This means courthouses have to use more energy.

Then we have all the increased activity in producing eggnog. That doubles the coefficient when it is spiked.

There are many more ways to explore but I'm sure the greenies can do better than this.


Sadly yes. We have chopped down carbon loving trees to celebrate our prosperity. We put lights on our houses (I do anyway) that scream how we don't care about the planet, that all we care about is celebrating Christmas (notice I didn't say Holidays). We buy presents that take no account of the CO2 they produced that are transported around the world in boats, planes and UPS trucks. We drive our planet killing cars to the carbon spewing malls to pick up trinkets.

Last year the good people of GreenPeace tried to cancel Christmas but failed to convince the planet killing masses.


Several retail corporations divide December into two months, making a 13 month year due to major increases in December sales. So, yes. Christmas causes climate change. It causes production of consumer goods to increase by roughly double one month out of every year.

Anything that adds carbon to the atmosphere adds to climate change so the list of culprits is going to be huge. We all exhale carbon dioxide, right?

Think of all those carbons set loose on the environment when these awful anti environmentalists cut down trees them drive them, thousands of miles in a diesel truck. Then you have people driving all over the place trying to buy things for the people they love. Oh the humanity! Or the postal service driving millions of packages around the globe! Yes, in order to save the planet, we need to end christmas

Christmas is entirely consistent with Global Warming - and vice versa - but it could be worse than we thought.

In fact it may well be non-existent in five years time.

Yes. When Santa and all those reindeers all fart at once!

everything does

Here is a list of some of those who you call alarmists and seem to be suggesting that you know more about climate science than they do;

(Scientific Organizations That Hold the Position That Climate Change Has Been Caused by Human Action)

1.Academia Chilena de Ciencias, Chile

2.Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa, Portugal

3.Academia de Ciencias de la República Dominicana

4.Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales de Venezuela

5.Academia de Ciencias Medicas, Fisicas y Naturales de Guatemala

6.Academia Mexicana de Ciencias,Mexico

7.Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia

8.Academia Nacional de Ciencias del Peru

9.Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal

10.Académie des Sciences, France

11.Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences of Canada

12.Academy of Athens

13.Academy of Science of Mozambique

14.Academy of Science of South Africa

15.Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS)

16.Academy of Sciences Malaysia

17.Academy of Sciences of Moldova

18.Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

19.Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran

20.Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt

21.Academy of the Royal Society of New Zealand

22.Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy

23.Africa Centre for Climate and Earth Systems Science

24.African Academy of Sciences

25.Albanian Academy of Sciences

26.Amazon Environmental Research Institute

27.American Academy of Pediatrics

28.American Anthropological Association

29.American Association for the Advancement of Science

30.American Association of State Climatologists (AASC)

31.American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians

32.American Astronomical Society

33.American Chemical Society

34.American College of Preventive Medicine

35.American Fisheries Society

36.American Geophysical Union

37.American Institute of Biological Sciences

38.American Institute of Physics

39.American Meteorological Society

40.American Physical Society

41.American Public Health Association

42.American Quaternary Association

43.American Society for Microbiology

44.American Society of Agronomy

45.American Society of Civil Engineers

46.American Society of Plant Biologists

47.American Statistical Association

48.Association of Ecosystem Research Centers

49.Australian Academy of Science

50.Australian Bureau of Meteorology

51.Australian Coral Reef Society

52.Australian Institute of Marine Science

53.Australian Institute of Physics

54.Australian Marine Sciences Association

55.Australian Medical Association

56.Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society

57.Bangladesh Academy of Sciences

58.Botanical Society of America

59.Brazilian Academy of Sciences

60.British Antarctic Survey

61.Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

62.California Academy of Sciences

63.Cameroon Academy of Sciences

64.Canadian Association of Physicists

65.Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences

66.Canadian Geophysical Union

67.Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society

68.Canadian Society of Soil Science

69.Canadian Society of Zoologists

70.Caribbean Academy of Sciences views

71.Center for International Forestry Research

72.Chinese Academy of Sciences

73.Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences

74.Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) (Australia)

75.Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research

76.Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences

77.Crop Science Society of America

78.Cuban Academy of Sciences

79.Delegation of the Finnish Academies of Science and Letters

80.Ecological Society of America

81.Ecological Society of Australia

82.Environmental Protection Agency

83.European Academy of Sciences and Arts

84.European Federation of Geologists

85.European Geosciences Union

86.European Physical Society

87.European Science Foundation

88.Federation of American Scientists

89.French Academy of Sciences

90.Geological Society of America

91.Geological Society of Australia

92.Geological Society of London

93.Georgian Academy of Sciences

94.German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina

95.Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences

96.Indian National Science Academy

97.Indonesian Academy of Sciences

98.Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management

99.Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology

100.Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand

101.Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK

102.InterAcademy Council

103.International Alliance of Research Universities

104.International Arctic Science Committee

105.International Association for Great Lakes Research

106.International Council for Science

107.International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences

108.International Research Institute for Climate and Society

109.International Union for Quaternary Research

110.International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics

111.International Union of Pure and Applied Physics

112.Islamic World Academy of Sciences

113.Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities

114.Kenya National Academy of Sciences

115.Korean Academy of Science and Technology

116.Kosovo Academy of Sciences and Arts

117.l'Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal

118.Latin American Academy of Sciences

119.Latvian Academy of Sciences

120.Lithuanian Academy of Sciences

121.Madagascar National Academy of Arts, Letters, and Sciences

122.Mauritius Academy of Science and Technology

123.Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts

124.National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, Argentina

125.National Academy of Sciences of Armenia

126.National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic

127.National Academy of Sciences, Sri Lanka

128.National Academy of Sciences, United States of America

129.National Aeronautics and Space Administration

130.National Association of Geoscience Teachers

131.National Association of State Foresters

132.National Center for Atmospheric Research

133.National Council of Engineers Australia

134.National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand

135.National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

136.National Research Council

137.National Science Foundation

138.Natural England

139.Natural Environment Research Council, UK

140.Natural Science Collections Alliance

141.Network of African Science Academies

142.New York Academy of Sciences

143.Nicaraguan Academy of Sciences

144.Nigerian Academy of Sciences

145.Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters

146.Oklahoma Climatological Survey

147.Organization of Biological Field Stations

148.Pakistan Academy of Sciences

149.Palestine Academy for Science and Technology

150.Pew Center on Global Climate Change

151.Polish Academy of Sciences

152.Romanian Academy

153.Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium

154.Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain

155.Royal Astronomical Society, UK

156.Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters

157.Royal Irish Academy

158.Royal Meteorological Society (UK)

159.Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences

160.Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

161.Royal Scientific Society of Jordan

162.Royal Society of Canada

163.Royal Society of Chemistry, UK

164.Royal Society of the United Kingdom

165.Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

166.Russian Academy of Sciences

167.Science and Technology, Australia

168.Science Council of Japan

169.Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

170.Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics

171.Scripps Institution of Oceanography

172.Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

173.Slovak Academy of Sciences

174.Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts

175.Society for Ecological Restoration International

176.Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

177.Society of American Foresters

178.Society of Biology (UK)

179.Society of Systematic Biologists

180.Soil Science Society of America

181.Sudan Academy of Sciences

182.Sudanese National Academy of Science

183.Tanzania Academy of Sciences

184.The Wildlife Society (international)

185.Turkish Academy of Sciences

186.Uganda National Academy of Sciences

187.Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities

188.United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

189.University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

190.Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

191.World Association of Zoos and Aquariums

192.World Federation of Public Health Associations

193.World Forestry Congress

194.World Health Organization

195.World Meteorological Organization

196.Zambia Academy of Sciences

197.Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences

Exactly what area of scientific expertise do you have which makes you think you know more than these organisations and their members.

Being that Alarmists blame just about everything humans do as causing Global Warming I was wondering if they think Christmas (and maybe Santa Claus and his reindeer) cause Global Warming too.
