> Why is the climate changing so drastically in many parts of the world?

Why is the climate changing so drastically in many parts of the world?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It's due to oscillatory factors and global warming effects on those factors. There is a redistribution of energy occurring within the atmosphere as the warmth associated with those natural oscillations changes position and gets redistributed elsewhere. you can either ignore Maxx's claims about weather extremes, where all he posted was data for tornadoes which have had limited study under global warming scenarios, or look at the actual data and the actual arguments.

Water cycle changing due to global warming - http://www.sisyphe.upmc.fr/~agnes/mec558...


Here is a paper that signifys there will be changes but it questions what those changes will be and model output differs from many of the accepted current models. - http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/43202/2/G...

This papers deals with the unpredictability of ENSO-like events with global warming - http://geosci.sfsu.edu/courses/gmo405/ar...

So while there are various factors at play, some of them, as yet, unknown, there does seem to be a change in the hydrologic cycle and possible changes of natural variability. Though the changes in the water cycle will, of course, have an effect on that natural variability it is still relatively unknown how that natural variability will change. since these papers were written, however, more have come forward and more has become known.

Global Climate Change will bring unusual weather. It's cold now but heat waves and drought are expected for summer. Some places in the US are already experiencing drought.

Nice graph Maxx but it is only the US and the questioner is in China

I think the problem is you live in a world where we have gained so much control of our day to day lives you've learned to accept that everything should be that way.

You are just propagandized. Try looking at the actual weather data. The last 30 years or so have actually had far fewer weather disasters than usual.



i am a student studying in the north of china. it is still cold here and sometimes and have little snow. heard that even in canada and england it is like that. we are supposed to be in spring right now but the climate looks as if we are still in winter. why is that so?