> What is the difference between recycling and mining?

What is the difference between recycling and mining?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Recycled supply of metals is more sustainable than mined supply. Recycling does not require the destruction of natural environments, however good miners manage to restore natural environments after mining. Probably more important in a time of growing concern about and need for action against climate change: recycling requires significantly less energy than mining. Re-melting and casting an existing metal is simply a lot easier than having to extract the metal from an ore. Even though separating joined and mixed materials poses a challenge for recycling, the total energy requirement for recycling a ton of iron is some 20% lower than for mining and processing it. For copper the energy saving is approx. 60% and for aluminium even 90%. Expressed in saved carbon emissions these numbers look even better.

Recycling is the practice of re-using materials in manufacturing of new products. Mining is simply pulling more material out of the ground. If you care about the environment you recycle to produce less greenhouse emissions and keep usable material out of our landfill sites.

Recycle means re-use of waste material.

mining is process by which we can pulling material from ground.

Recycling is re-using something that has already been used.


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