> Conclusion paragraph for global warming?

Conclusion paragraph for global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
That depends what the rest of you paper says.

You could try a non-partisan ending like: " Whether or not we believe global warming is real and, if so, whether or not we believe mankind has contributed to it, it is not entirely beyond our control to reduce the likelihood of it or its potential consequences. Not only would this be prudent but it would also help to conserve the earth's dwindling natural resources for future generations."

If you have got specific suggestions, they can be added.

Good luck.

"And finally, the 'Global Warming' cause has been exposed as a ploy by politicians and a number of unethical climate "scientists" to defraud the developed World's Taxpayers of $$Trillions of dollars for purposes of power and money.....money that could have gone to provide nourishment and education for those in need."

In conclusion, the globe is warming.